2: Taco Flavoured Kisses

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 Chapter 2: Taco Flavoured Kisses

            I turned the key and opened the door. It was awfully quiet in my flat.

“Mum? I’m home, are you?” I may have sounded like an idiot, but I had no clue where my mother was. She’s usually home when I get back from the office. I shrugged it off and threw my jacket onto the couch in the living room. As I walked into the kitchen I noticed a little note on the table.


I went out shopping with Anne and Laura, hope you don’t mind being home alone. I’ll try to be home for dinner, but I make no promises! There’s leftovers in the fridge, help yourself. Love you, Mum XxX

I shook my head. Ever since we moved to the UK my mom has tried to sound more British. She would sneak an accent into her voice every so often, tell me to address her as Mum or even use the lingo that they have here. I have to admit, it was beginning to rub off on me. I’m calling apartments flats, calling boys lads, and occasionally I add x’s to the end of my texts. This was inevitable though, after living here for almost 8 years I was bound to start sounding less Canadian eventually.

I sprawled across the couch, turning on the television, to what seemed like the food channel. My stomach applauded my choice in TV program by grumbling so loud, I’m pretty sure it echoed through the corridors. I groaned as I got up off the couch and mumbled to my stomach, “shut up you.” I rubbed my stomach as I went through the fridge looking for these so called leftovers. I found some taco meat, noodles and garlic bread. “When did we have tacos?” I asked myself while pulling it out of the fridge, inspecting it to make sure it was all right to consume. After much consideration I threw the meat into the microwave and smacked my head into the cupboards above it. I couldn’t get that stupid blonde lad out of my head. I didn’t even know what his name is! Let alone where he lives, why he was there or if he even noticed me the same way I noticed him. His eyes were just so striking. My best friend Carly would probably think he isn’t all that attractive, but something about his blue eyes, shaggy blonde hair and his cute and innocent demeanor made me go crazy. All I could picture was his glistening blue eyes as they looked into mine, peering into my soul. He was just so…so…adorably captivating.

I was knocked out of my day dreaming by the beeping of the microwave. In some other technological language, beep, beep, beep must mean: bitch your food is done, get your ass over here and eat it. I began munching on the meat with a fork when I heard knocking at the door. “Erg, will I never get peace!” I mumbled into my fork as I walked to the door. I swung the door open as a wet and panting Ryan was revealed at the entrance.

“Oh. Hello Ryan, why are you here?” I asked taking another bite of taco meat.

Ryan was soaked. It was pouring rain outside and there wasn’t any car near my building, so he must have walked, or ran, to my flat. I motioned for him to come in before he answered, “I came over here to ask you something.” He smiled at me as he shut the door behind him. “I was wondering,” he began, stepping closer to me. “If you would go to dinner with me, but it looks like you’ve already gotten started on that,” he finished, letting out a deep breath. I immediately choked on my meal. What? I’m 16, he’s 5 years older than I am, and we basically work together. How in the hell did any of this make sense?

“Uh, Ryan, I’m 16. Isn’t this a bit inappropriate?” I took a step back. I was beginning to get uncomfortable with Ryan around.

“No! You’re a very genuinely mature girl and I’ve never quite met someone like you,” he replied placing a hand onto my shoulder. I couldn’t help but blush. He was being so kind, but why to me? I’m a normal girl. I’ve never made a move on him, or wore sexually advancing outfits to the office, why did he think this way?

“Ryan, I just-i-uh,” I stuttered, and before I could finish what I was going to say, he crushed his lips against mine. He was a severely sloppy kisser. He kept trying to enter my mouth, but I wouldn’t let him. This was my first kiss. In fairytales they always made it seem like some magical event that would lift you above the clouds and send you somewhere far away from where you actually were and all would be right with the world. This kiss however, was nothing like that. It was rushed, messy and really awkward. For me, at least. I tried to push him off of me, but he just pushed harder, until I hit a wall. His hands made their way to the end of my shirt, and I slapped them away.

“No, don’t Ryan,” I managed to squeak out. He pulled away from me and looked me dead in the eyes. “You don’t want this, love?” He cooed, while gently stroking my hair. All I could do was shake my head in response, to which he didn’t take kindly. His mouth fell into an ‘O’ and he took a few steps back.

“I’m so sorry Belle, I must’ve been reading you wrong. I’m usually much better than this,” he muttered. He seemed embarrassed. I cocked my head to the side and stared into his green eyes.

“I honestly thought you were interested in me! Was I wrong?”

“Well, kinda, yes,” I escaped his gripping hold on me by looking away.

“I guess I’ll go now, I really am sorry, Belle,” he grumbled, clearly angry with himself.

“It’s ok Ryan, really!” I gushed. He gave me a wry smile and walked out of my flat.

What just happened?

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