3: Words Meet Heartbeats

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Chapter 3 - Words Meet Heartbeats

Ever since Ryan kissed me, things at the office have been…odd. I never got to assist him, and two of the other female dental hygienists would give me dirty looks whenever I walked by. However, they couldn’t ruin my mood today.

I found out (from the lovely Delia) that the cute blonde lad from before was coming in again today. I let out a small squeal when she told me. Delia was really good at knowing stuff. The five minutes I had with him last time gave her enough information to know that I am currently “swooning” over him. She told me the day after that she could tell by the look in my eyes that I really fancy that lad. But that’s not possible. I cannot fancy someone I don’t know. She really made me blush when she told me that she thinks he fancies me to. That’s Delia though, she’ll say anything to make me happy, and somehow she knew saying that would make me ecstatic.

“His appointment is for half eleven darling, just so you know,” Delia slyly stated as she walked past me.

A slight grin came upon my face as I recalled what he looked like. Blonde hair, blue eyes, cute face, sweet accent, which I have now learned is Irish! I’ve never met an Irish bloke before, so this would be interesting. I admitted to Delia that I had worn more make up and straightened my hair with more precision than normal in wait of his arrival. I strutted in the corridor to show her my posh look and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at my reflection.

 What am I doing? I’m getting all dolled up for what? A silly lad that probably doesn’t remember me, and I don’t even know his name!  I held my face in my hands and muttered to myself, “What is wrong with me. What am I doing?” I leaned against the wall and rested my head back. I am a complete fool. This is all some crazy romantic shit that my brain has come up with. I cant be believe I have been so naïve and so head over heels over a bloke I’ve never said a word to!

“What’s wrong?” Delia’s voice was laced with worry as she stepped towards me.

I shook my head and simply stated, “I’m an idiot,” and walked right past her and out of the building. To my surprise, the cause of all my idiocracy was standing right in front of me. Waiting for something, or some one. He turned to me and smiled, revealing his quirky crooked smile.

“You’re early,” I whispered to myself, seeing as his appointment wasn’t for another 30 minutes.

It looked like he heard me as he looked up and searched for words that seemed to be missing.

“Yea, me mum thought traffic was gon’ be pretty bad today, so we left early,” he replied, smile still intact on his face.

 I blushed because he had heard me, and even replied.

“How’d you know?”

I froze. This isn’t creepy at all, I thought to myself. What do I say? “Oh, I thought you were the most amazing guy ever and I basically began to stalk you from the comfort of this office and found out whenever your appointments are so I could see you?” Yes, that wouldn’t make me seem like some psychotic stalker girl.

“I, uh, guess you could say I work here,” I stammered, pulling at the hem of my shirt. He let out a chuckle and turned red, shifting his gaze from me to the ground. I did the same.

“How’s a girl like you, work here?”

“My dad is the Dr.”

The blonde lad nodded and sat on the curb in front of the building, patting the stone next to him, motioning for me to sit next to him. This kind of stuff doesn’t happen does it? I quickly pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Here I was, standing next to the lad that tickled my fancy, and he wanted me to sit next to him. So, I obliged his request and took a seat right next to him. We were so close that I could feel the heat emanating off his body. My lips curled into a smile at this, because it felt pretty darn nice.

“So, erm, do they hurt?” The blonde boy asked, worry clearly plastered across his face. I scrunched my eyebrows together and wrinkled my nose because I had no clue what he was talking about.

“Erm, braces,” he chuckled again. Must be his nervous habit or something.

“Oh, I bet they do. Seeing as metal brackets are attached to your teeth pulling them in the opposite direction than what they want to go. I would assume it’s similar to someone pulling your arm the other way, I suppose. I wouldn’t know however, seeing as I haven’t gotten my braces yet and I’m really not looking forward to them but my dad has-” I stopped talking to look at the lad’s face. He looked so scared, and I did that to him.

“Oh gosh, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just; I talk a lot when I’m nervous. I got it from my mom, she’s a nice-I’m doing it again, sorry,” I trailed off, and the blonde Irish lad laughed out loud this time, probably at my stupidity.

“I completely understand, I laugh uncontrollably when I’m nervous, ‘specially when I’m with gorgeous girls,” he smiled with a slight tint of red in his cheeks, looking at me straight in the eyes.

Holy crap. I didn’t know it was possible, but his eyes are even better up close. They shone in the sunlight that peaked through the clouds. His smile even reached his eyes, making him even more desirable.

Then it hit me. I’m pretty sure he just called me gorgeous. I madly blushed and turned away from his face to freak out about this without him seeing, but he knew what I was doing. He chuckled to himself and adjusted his arms so he could lean back. His hand lightly brushed my side and landed right next to mine. I quickly glanced at my hand and saw that his pinky was resting really close to mine. I blushed an even deeper red, and turned back to him. I took a deep breath to muster up the courage to say something else, but his mother coming around the corner, making the boy immediately stand up straight and as stiff as a board, interrupted us.

“Mum, where ya been?” He asked, embarrassed by sitting next to me.

“Droppin’ Greg off at the shoppin’ centre, told ya that!” She gave me a quick smile and led the blonde boy into the building. I watched until they were out of my view. He is such a sweet lad! I cannot believe that actually happened to me.

First, he actually spoke to me.

Second, he called me gorgeous.

Third, I…wait.

I never got his name. Dammit. Of all the things I could have missed. I missed his name. He will probably be forever known as: Blonde Irish Lad for the rest of my existence, because the odds of us ever meeting again are slim to none, as the summer is ending soon, which means I’ll only be at the office for my own appointments. Bummer. At least I got to talk to him, I guess you could say it’s some form of closure.

It could be worse; I could’ve only seen him that once, never spoken a word, and always wondered what he was like. But, now I know. Somehow, this didn’t make me feel any better; in fact it makes it harder. He’s such a sweet lad; I really wish I could get to know him better. Oh well. I’ll spend the rest of my life wondering what this could’ve been. I’ll never know, but that’s just the way life is, right?

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