A gift

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I let one last shudder ripple down my body as I close off the thoughts of what I had recently heard from up stairs. After all the building drama of the terribly gruesome birth Bella gave, I finally hear Rosalie coming down the stairs with what I now know to be a baby girl.

It was so shocking to hear Edward telling Bella that the child is Renesmee, and not EJ. I was so use to Bella saying "him" that I forgot there was still a chance the baby could be a girl.

Boy, Rosalie is going to be pissed when I have to take the child. I can already hear her cooing her love to Renesmee. I have no doubt she'll be an ally to me after realizing how dangerous the situation really is, though.

I'll take all the allies I can get, whether they like me personally or not.

Edward is so focused on Bella, he's not going to hear any of my thoughts before this is over. I doubt he registers anything at all until he's sure she will be ok.  If I was him, I wouldn't have to even try to tune anyone out either.

I see how much they love each other, and I do not want to know an Edward that has lost Bella.

I also do not want to know a Bella that has lost the child she has so painstakingly protected since the very moment she felt her either, though.

Just more reasons to add to the list of why this job is so important. Reasons Jacob has to be reasonable for.

I hear Rosalie making the baby a bottle, and sit down with her. They are in the living room right outside the boiler room I've took up camp in.

I have to make my move now before Jacob comes in after her. My stomach does little flips, but I ignore them. I usually never get this kind of feeling before a job. I've never had job anxiety before. I'm usually pumped up, and feeling better than ever.

I chalk it up to being on my own, in human form, and trying to resolve a threat that happens to be my pack alpha.

I have a job to do no matter what, though. Someone needs my protection, and I'm going to do my best to give her my absolute all.

I allow myself four seconds to shake out the anxiety, and clear my head of the drama in the other parts of the house. I put on my best game face, hoping to hide all anxieties, and walk out to an uncertain fate.

It's not my uncertain fate I am worried about, though. It's not even that I might lose my best friend.

I am worried about the very special, and very loved, baby sitting so close to me in the arms of her aunt.

I am worried for her because I am her only shot, but I try to draw power from that fact.

I try to draw power from that fact, instead of letting it eat me.

I begin to walk closer, and I feel a strange pulling sensation. I have no idea what it means, but I have no time for questions. It feels stronger as I get closer to Rosalie, and the bundle of blankets in her arm.

I walk in front of her, and she is utterly infatuated with the baby in her arms. She is too infatuated to even look up at me.

I hear crunches outside as I try to find the right words to get Rosalie to hand me the child. I know Jacobs on his way in now, and my stomach feels acidic.

Just as I am about to voice how important it is for Rosalie to hand her to me, I freeze. I completely freeze, and forgot everything.

I forget where I'm at, I forget what I am doing, and I even forget my own name.

I'm frozen with big eyes, and a gaping dry mouth, as I face the single most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on. Her chocolate eyes have me shaking, and everything feels different.

Everything feels different because everything is no longer anything at all. She is the only thing that amounts to anything now, thus she is everything. Making anything nothing, and her everything.

I feel shackles drop off my shoulders that were once the weight of the world, but it is replaced with an astonishing gift. A gift I couldn't possible do justice for with words, but a gift most definitely worth giving up the world for.

I feel every tie I once had in the world slip, fall, and float gently into nothingness.

They are all replaced by a single cord. A single cord representing a bond. This bond I will forever protect at all cost for an eternity.

Seeing her for the first time feels like I'm only just now seeing at all. The face of this child is opening parts of myself I'd never known were there, and they all belong to her.

Not only do these new awakenings belong to her, but every other part does too.

Oh how right I was to feel this child worthy of protection. My life will be dedicated to making sure she knows no harm, and my mind puts the pieces together. No one can hurt the precious gift as long as I am alive.

Gravity no longer holds me down to earth. My need for her is all the grounding it will ever take. My need to be close to her already feels greater than my need for oxygen.

I slowly stop my own infatuation with the child long enough to realize Jacob is about to come up the exterior stairs, straight for us.

It will always be "us" now, never just "me". This makes my heart swell, but tighten in the same instance at the though of what Jacob had planned.

"Rosalie, I need to be holding her when Jacob comes in. He does not want good things to come to her, and I can protect her now."

"How could you protect her better than me, dog?" Rosalie sneers, but does not look up at me. I can fully understand why saying this while looking me in the eyes is not important enough to look away from the exceptional child.

"Rosalie, the child is my imprint. I mean no offense, but I have no time to argue. Jacob will be in this living room in 5 seconds flat, and he does mean her harm."

She finally looks up at me, but she is no happier than before. I gain that she has been informed what imprinting is, thank god. I had no time to explain to her. Her eyes are mere slits as she passes me the child. She does gain my trust and gratitude, though. She does this by going into a protective crouch in front of me.

"We won't let him anywhere near her. The others will be back very soon. We will handle throwing out a dog." Rosalie voices with a mixture of threatening menace and disgust in her tone.

"Don't worry, no member of my pack, or Sam Uley's pack, can touch her now. Killing someone's imprint would mean going against our most scared law. Isn't that right Jacob?" I saw without as much as a glance his way. For no other reason than my unwillingness to look away from the gift surrounded by blankets in my arms.

"What have you done, Seth?" Jacob is so mad he's shaking, but I am no longer concerned with anything but the babygirl in my arms.

I hear Edward's confirm that Bella's birth was fatal, but she will wake up reborn as a vampire.

Everything feels right now. Nobody will ever hurt Renesmee, and she will have all her family, now including me, by her side forever.

How do you feel so far? Comment any thoughts, or suggestions you have! Also, please vote!:)

I am going to leave a photo down here of the Cullen's house lay out, book version! This way you can see where Seth's hiding spot was.

I am going to leave a photo down here of the Cullen's house lay out, book version! This way you can see where Seth's hiding spot was

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