Chapter 6

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The teenage girl knew it was April. There was no doubt the boys were celebrating just a little bit too loud and April had followed the yellow tunnel up to the roof. All of the boys had frozen and refused to move. Lavi was trying her best not to burst out laughing and blow her cover. But that moment was so undeniably priceless.

"What was that?" Mikey whispered. "It's a camera flash," Donnie whispered. "We know it's a camera flash," Leo muttered. "Who's behind the camera flash?" Raph growled. "By my calculations, it's a girl," Donnie concluded. "Now we got to kill her..." Mikey whispered, though not really. "What?" Donnie squeaked. "With kindness!" Mikey finished his thought, "Giver her some flowers, earn her trust." "I got this," Raph decided. "Raph, no, no! Come on!" Leo tried to stop his younger brother, but to no avail.

Raph had whipped out a chain and fished April up onto the roof, of which she was trying to climb down from. The woman landed roughly, making Lavi flinch with how rough Raph had handled her. But, to make the situation worse, Raph jumped down before April, making the woman very much afraid. "Give me the camera," Raph rasped, puffing out his chest to seem intimidating. But April took the moment to daringly look the turtle in red over. "Ooh, look, he's doing his batman voice," Mikey noted - still not whispering. Raph pulled his sai from his belt and twirled them effortlessly in his hands to try and scare April further; who was getting to her feet, shaking a bit a she did so.

"She's so hot, I can feel my shell tightening," Mikey sang to himself... or so he thought. Lavi just cringed to herself at the comment. "We can hear you!" Raph shot over his shoulder to his little brother before turning back to April, "If you don't give me that camera, I'm gunna..." Lavi had been fully prepared to jump in, but she had been beaten to it when Leo had jumped down from the top of the water tower and landed flawlessly on the edge of the building, "Enough!" Blinking, Lavi glanced up, furrowing her brows and wondering when the leader in blue had snuck up there, before turning back to the scene unfolding before her.

This was the moment April first meets the turtles; a crucial encounter for both parties.

"Back off, Raph!" Leo demanded. Raphael immediately backed down, throwing his hands up and walked back towards Donnie and Mikey, "I only saw Batman once!" Lavi couldn't help but silently giggle to herself. "Ma'am, hello. I apologize. My colleague here forgot to say 'please'. So, would you please hand over the camera?" Though Leo was trying to come off polite, walking towards April wasn't the smartest idea; it only scared her more. But... colleague? That wasn't the right word.

But, before April could back away from Leo any further, Mikey jumped down behind the woman, making her turn and panic herself half to death. "No, no, no, no. Whoa," Mikey tried his best to calm April down, "Whoa. Chill. It's just a mask." And then the younger brother did something totally Mikey... he pulled off his mask, "See? Don't freak out. Right?" But April began to sway, letting Lavi know that she was going to feint; and none of the brothers seemed ready for it. Abandoning her hiding spot, Lavi rushed to catch her friend before she had fell to the ground. But Mikey and Leo had been the only two to see the teenage girl come between them; both very much surprised.

"Oh, I think that went well," Donnie sarcastically commented as he came up beside their little brother, Raph following close behind. However, they also both froze at the sight of the younger girl. Lavi gently set April down on a few stray tarps on the roof as she glanced to each one the brothers without fear etched upon her face. It only took a second for Lavi to realized that she had taken them all by surprise. With a small smirk, Lavi decided to greet them, "Well, you boys sure do know how to give a warm welcome."

In this dimension, the boys were much taller, much more toned, and looked a little bit older as they also wore clothes; compared to the turtles in her home dimension. Instead of having both his katana over his right shoulder, Leo had his sheaths crossed on the back of his shell. Raph was the most built and had his mask come over the top of his head, unlike all the masks Lavi had seen any turtles, from any dimension, wear thus far. Donnie was the tallest... shocker. But the genius wore gear on his shell, sported a pair of odd goggles on top of his head, and wore glasses upon his snout. Mikey was the shortest, which of course was nothing new. But some of the things that had come out of his mouth in this dimension had taken her by surprise thus far.

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