Chapter 23

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Lavi glanced around the dark and creepy museum. They had come in through the rafters as she had planet jumped to get back down to earth... literally. It had honestly reminded her of traveling the cosmos with her turtles, April, Casey, and the Fugitoid to save the planet from the Triceraton and the Black hole generator back on Earth 7. Though she hated space, she could honestly say those were days she missed. Getting back to the task at hand, the girl continued to search for anything out of the ordinary she could identify as Kraang tech.

"The American Museum of Natural History," Donnie glanced around in wonder from Jupiter above Lavi and Leo, "I've always wanted to come here." "Quite screwing around, Donnie," Leo growled from behind the female turtle, "Thirty seconds till the cops are at the door." Donnie flipped down from the planets hanging from the ceiling effortlessly before sliding on his goggles; which then scanned the place.

Considering Lavi wasn't looking directly at Donnie once he had landed behind her, she was spared from getting blinded from the scan; unlike Leo. "Donnie..." Leo groaned, wincing away from the bright light. A 'meteor' before them had caught Lavi's eye. "There," Lavi pointed. "Boo-yah," Donnie agreed as the three teenagers made their way up to the realistic looking space rock, "Shredder and the mutants were definitely here." "Sounds like a potential rock band name," Lavi side commented. Donnie accessed his genius tech watch before air touch screens appeared above his wrist.

"And I'm detecting traces of neutronium, the critical ingredient required for creating a controlled black hole. Which is the only thing capable of rupturing the space-time continuum. And you know what that means!" Donnie pressed on in awe. Leo was completely lost, "No. I don't, Donnie." "I'm well aware of what that means, but please, lay it out for the only one here that isn't a scientific genius," Lavi insisted. "It means Shredder may not be as nuts as I thought. From the data I just collected, I'm surmising that what was inside this thing may help Shredder open that portal to another dimension," Donnie explained.

"Ok," Leo took a deep breath, realizing how serious the situation was, "what I want to know is if a portal's gunna open up, what's coming through from the other side?" Both boys glanced up at the, much larger than normal, model of the solar system above their heads. "Hope and pray it isn't a full grown Kraathatrogon, a Triceraton air strike, or even Toka for that matter," Lavi grumbled, rolling her eyes as she took the lead to leave, "NYPD is here. Let's move it."

Again, the boys glanced to once another before running to catch back up with the female. "Wait!" Donnie was scolding himself on why he didn't ask the female about it sooner, "You know about this thing!" "No. I know about newer models of Kraang portals, but not anything about this relic. Granted, I've seen it before; but I was only a kid," Lavi stated. "That must mean you know what's coming through," Leo pieced together at what Donnie was getting at. "I have a hunch," Lavi replied, starting to get frustrated with the boys being so close to her. "Then what is it?" Leo demanded.

Lavi abruptly stopped in her tracks, having the boys come to a stop beside her. Taking a deep breath, the female let it out slowly, forming a cold cloud to roll from her lips. Donnie tensed along with the leader in blue. They had never seen Lavi like this before. "A hunch. And until I'm certain that what I think what might be coming through really is what's coming through, I'll let you know then," Lavi huffed. "But we need to know what we might be up against," Leo argued. "I'm not going to get you guys worked up over something that might just be a possibility. So, until then this will be classified as 'compartmentalization of information'," the female sassed before making her way up and out of the museum.

Donnie and Leo just stood there dumbfounded. "Did she just..." Leo trailed off. "Yes, yes she did," Donnie nodded. Leo heavily exhaled, "I screwed up big time." "You think?" Donnie snorted, "Rather you than me. I never want to be the one on the end of her wrath." Leo thickly swallowed. Donnie had receive some of the frost, but Leo was getting most of, if not all, of it. With a dejected sigh, Leo led Donnie along a bit behind the enraged girl.

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