Chapter 17

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Lavi sat there, in Donnie's lab, staring down at her humanizing watch. Nothing was wrong with it. In fact, it was the complete opposite. It was finally fixed! After taking so long to fix it, Lavi couldn't believe that she had actually finished it. However, that's not why she was staring the piece of equipment down...

 Why hadn't she made upgrades?!

 That was the one thought plaguing her mind. She had been so focused on simply fixing the watch that she hadn't even opted to add a new upgrade. Upgrading the thing would take another four months at the least! If she had added the upgrade while rebuilding it, it would have been done already.


The voice snapped the girl out of her brooding trance as she glanced up to find Donatello and Leonardo giving her questionable looks. The one who had pulled her from her self despair had been the genius in purple. Leo had come to talk to Donnie about something; Lavi hadn't been too keen as to what. "Did you finish fixing your watch?" the genius asked a little more enthusiastically. "Yeah, it's fixed... but I forgot to upgrade it while I was at it," Lavi sighed, dejectedly turning her gaze back to her creation.

"Can you not upgrade it now?" Leo wondered. "No," Donnie answered for the girl, a chuckle escaping his lips, "I mean, yes, she can but it's just going to take a little more time to work on. If she would have remembered to upgrade the watch while she was fixing it, it would have saved her the time." Leo just nodded as a smile graced his own lips. The leader in blue just couldn't help but find the female cute when she would childishly pout; as she was, in fact, pouting like a five year old.

Speaking of childish...

"Lavi! Cupcake! Where are you!" That was Michelangelo, "Lavi!" "In the lab!" Leo called out, rolling his eyes, crossing his arms, and not bothering to turn around. "Why do you let him call you that?" Donnie couldn't help but ask, just as annoyed with the nickname as his brother standing beside him. "It's cute!" Lavi smiled before giving an indifferent shrug, "Besides, it's not fair if Raph gives me a nickname and Mikey can't. I'm used to getting called different nicknames anyway... it was kinda what my brothers and I did. So, I guess it's rather normal for me."

"What does Raph call you?" Leo huffed, crossing his arms and not liking that he had been completely oblivious to the brother in red giving his girl a pet name. He hadn't even done that! "Princess," Lavi blatantly replied. "It's that a bit much?" Donnie wondered, asking the question for both him and Leo. "Nah," Lavi waved off, "My hot-headed brother calls me princess all the time. It's familiar." Simply hearing that made Leo realize that Lavi actually saw his brothers as... well... her brothers too. New brothers? Family? That was it. She saw them as family. "But just between us three, I'm actually a Queen," Lavi playfully winked. Leo and Donnie couldn't help but laugh as well; both mentally agreeing, but none more so than Leo.

"Did you all have nicknames for one another?" Donnie pressed, clearly interested. In all fairness, the brothers were all a little antsy to meet Lavi's brothers. It sounded as if each of them had things in common with themselves. But nothing compared to listening about the times Lavi would reminisce about being with her family; without giving too much away of course. "Oh yeah!" Lavi laughed, "I call my older brother Dork, Captain, and Fearless. Next oldest, I call Tough Stuff. The youngest I call Sunshine. And my genius brother and I call each other multiple different names, mainly just to see who can be more creative or offensive in alphabetical order. I mainly call him Wiz Kid, Genius, or D in general conversation though. But as for nicknames I'm given, I'm called Princess, as I just explained, Frostbytz, by my youngest brother from time to time, and Snowflake by my oldest brother. Of course, Lav will do on most occasions from anyone."

 Donnie was going to comment on Lavi's older brother and Leo having the same nickname of 'Fearless', but the brother in orange slid into the doorway. "Sorry! Master Splinter stopped me," Mikey loudly apologized, stopping all current conversation. "Don't you knock?" Leo asked, letting out a restrained sigh. "I announced my presence, didn't I?" Mikey innocently asked, a bit wide eyed. The younger brother was about to walk in, but Donnie had stopped him, pointing to red and yellow tape that made a line in the doorway, "Behind the line."

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