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"Okay first off......"

You mumbled grumpily, griping your coffee and staring hard at the nervous looking man across from you.

"Why in the hell did you feel the need to break my door?"

"Hehe....well uh, you see-"

"You wanna explain exactly how 'this' is considered an emergency?"

"Alright.....I may have overreacted a bit."

"A bit?"

"I just.....really wanted to see you, okay?"

*ooooh....smooth movesssss*

/shut up venom./


Brock gritted his teeth, his gaze landing on the smooth skin of your neck.

Brock slid his hand over and on top of your's as subtly as he could muster.

"I....really wanted to see you. And I'm sorry I'll fix the door, okay?"

You looked up at him, ready to give him some more shit for practically breaking into your house the way he did, only to find a seemingly innocent and charming smile.



Brock smiled.

"Thanks....and again, I really am sorry."

You distracted yourself by looking into your coffee while taking a long sip. Feeling somewhat Embarrassed you finally lifted your gaze.

"So....what did you actually wanna talk about?"

"Ah...it's about uh....I promised I'd buy you a drink tonight, remember?"

"But it's morning?"

"Ah....um yeah, I know I was just erm...excited."

"What for?"

"To see you. Look, what I wanted to ask you is uh....do you know this is a erm...."

"A what?"

"-A date....?"

You flushed bright red.

"A-Ah....to be honest-"

You mumbled.

"-I wasn't really sure what it was but...I kinda was hoping it was."

Brock smirked broadly.

"Oh? You hoped this was gonna be a date? How cute....you can always feel free to admire me though."

You rolled your eyes.

"Are you flirting with me? Or you trying to start a fight?"

"Hmmm....I would say a bit of both."

You sighed.

"Well atleast I'll never get bored around you."

Brock held his face in his hand, leaning forward so that he was a mere inch away from your face.

"You'll never have to worry about being bored with me. Trust me-"

One of brocks hand's slid over your knee, slowly sliding up the length of your leg before resting on your thigh.

"-I have alot of special way's I could entertain you."

You cheeks dusted pink.

"Your a pervert...."

"Hey, don't kink shame me."

You groaned in exasperation.

"Since when did I mention anything about any kinks?"

"You never know, maybe certain forms of entertainment are my kink."

"How the fuck did we even get into this conversation."

"Good question."

"Are you gonna answer it?"


"Well?- Mmmmmph...."

Before you could say anything else Brock's lips had found your own.

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