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"That's good to heeeaar...won't you come closer??"

You calmly walked over with your heart in your throat.

You wrapped your arms around him, resting your chin on his shoulder- and that was when you saw the dark figure in the window.


After Eddie had stopped by your place to 'check' on you-(Spy more the word.) When he'd noticed carnage in your apartment.


But you were no where to be seen.

Brock had immediately assumed the worst, following Carnage quickly and silently, praying he'd find you in one piece.

'Sssoooooo, there he is~'

Venom hummed, Brock nodded.

'Is he...issssss he hugging my offspring?'

Brock felt himself filling with fury.


'Oooooh, I sensssssse anger in you~'

"Shut the hell up."

Brock growled to the symbiote.

'Ooh hoo hoo- touchy~'

It was then he felt and saw your eyes.

Looking straight at him, and trying to mouth at him.


Did....did you know it was him?

Did he know that he was venom or was he doing this out of blind hope having seen them as arch-enemies in the newspapers?

Venom nodded at you, carefully crawling away from view.

"Do you remember when we were little?"

Carnage asked you suddenly, catching you off guard.

"A-Ah, Some stuff. Others are kind of blurry to be honest."

Carnage chuckled darkly.

"I hated that place...I was glad to watch it burn."

Chills fled down your spine.



"Your the one that started the fire..."

You whispered, your plans fleeing from your brain.

"-that caught the orphanage on fire...which spread to nearby houses."

You pushed him away slowly, backing away from him.

"Yeeeeesss? A few pathetic lives were lost, what of it?"

Your eyes began to well with tears just barely choking out what you wanted to say.

"One of those 'pathetic' lives was my mother...."

You whispered, your voice growing hoarse.

Carnage went quiet, reaching out and trying to grab your wrist only for you to back away further.

"W-Why? Why?"

A shuddered breath escaped from your lips.

"That place was hell on earth. It deserved to burn."

"But did my mother...?"

You breathed harshly.

"She volunteered there....she wanted to change things-"

"It was far to late for change in that shit show they called an orphanage!!!"


You screamed back at him, he was taken aback.



"Hope I'm not interrupting anythiiiing~"

The symbiote hissed.

Carnage roared in anger.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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