Who are you??

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You couldn't shake the unusual feeling you had after Brock had dropped you off that night.

You had so many questions.

You also were a bit disappointed with yourself.

How could you have been considering sleeping with Brock after only one date??! Jesus you must have seemed desperate.

And you didn't even know if Brock was serious about dating or if he was just trying to fuck you.

Luckily after tonight however....

What was that....thing?

You were also just a tad bit grateful that because Brock's car was damaged so much he had to go take it in to get fixed immediately and couldn't have stayed the night.

Thankfully the next time you'd be able to stay away from liquor.

You didn't need it to cloud you're judgement again.

You flopped down on you're couch, before the words rang in your ears.

'I remember you.'

How could that creepy looking monster possibly know you???

It sent a shudder down you're spine.

You already knew you weren't gonna be able to sleep tonight.

You quietly laid back, throwing an arm over your eyes.

"You have to remember..."

You flinched at the sudden sound that had erupted in the previously quiet room.

It was so soft and quiet you almost thought you had imagined it.

You immediately sat up in alarm looking all around.


Before your eyes could dart to the sound you'd heard coming from just above you he landed on top of you, his arms on either side.

Oh my god.

Oh my fucking god.

It was in your house.

It KNEW you're name.

And apparently you knew who it was according to it....?

Oh and it was so damn close you could feel its breath against your face.

Oh lord.

'Please don't rip off my face, please don't eat my face, please don't eat my face, please don't eat my face, I DON'T WANNA DIE A VIRGIN DAMMIT.'

A clawed hand caressed you're face.

"Y/n.....what were you doing with venooooom?"

It hissed, his voice laced with jealousy.

What the fuck...?

It was jealous.

"W-Who are you?"

The creature tilted it head.

"Don't....Don't you remember me?"

You shook you're head.

"I....I don't remember ever hanging out with any monsters or aliens in particular so I'm just gonna go ahead and say no."

"Oh....right hold on."

It muttered before its outer layer melted away revealing a pale and red-haired man.



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