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(Not even sorry for the song. ONWARDS! *Points sword* warning! Some minor triggers. You've been warned.)



Green eyes bore intensely into yours.


He leaned in closely, his hot breath tickling your nose.

"Do you remember me now, Y/n?"


The larger man smiled.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it Y/n?"


You stumbled over your words unable to think very well.

Reddish-orange strands brushed against your face.

He was that close.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Y/n."

He whispered huskily.

"You've...gotten pretty tall, h-huh?"

You mumbled quietly.

How the hell-


"How what?"

"You...You're that m-monster?"

Cletus smiled allowing the symbiote skin to reappear.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

He purred.

Not wanting to insight any wrath you quietly nodded.

"K-Kind of cool..."

Suddenly he growled.

"So tell me...."

He hissed.

"How do you know Eddie Brock?"

Your leapt up into you're throat.

"Well you see- uh, he's an acquaintance..."

You replied your voice practically a whisper, unconsciously sinking back lower into the couch.

He leaned even closer (If that's even possible.) And growled.

"I see... So you kiss acquaintance's?"

He hissed lowly.

Suddenly both of his clawed bands were on your shoulders pressing you down and holding you there.

His forked tongue flicked your nose lightly before the symbiote face melted away to reveal Cletus's human face yet again.

Before your terrified mind could register what was happening his teeth clicked against yours in a rough and painful kiss, his clawed hand keeping a strong grip on your chin, effectively preventing you from moving.

It took a good minute for your mind to snap back and when it did it immediately registered your need for air.

You pressed your fists into his chest in a desperate plea for air.


Finally the Man/Symbiote pulled away.

You immediately gasped for breath.

"You promised to wait for me..."

He whispered harshly.

Silence engulfed the room, your eyes widening.


What was he-



"Mommy where are you going?"

Through thick tears the women forced a smile, smoke and heat filled the room, the harsh light of the flames illuminating the soft expression on her face.

"It's okay...m-mama's gonna be just fine...but mommy, needs you to do something for her o-okay? Be a good boy for mommy and go to the nice fireman at the window okay? Please just go now, go for mommy."

You squeezed the teddy bear tightly, a wall of flames separating the two of you.

"But mommy, how are you gonna get over here?"

The woman nodded.

"Don't worry honey...Mommy will follow just go to the nice fireman."

She lied.

"C'mon's alright first I gotta get you down, then I'll come back for mommy okay?"

The man said with outstretched arms prepared to take you.




You whimpered pressing your hands against your ears and curling into a tight ball underneath Cletus.


His voice faded.

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