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What is the point in sleeping if you're even more tired when you wake up. That just doesn't make sense.

I turned around and looked for my mobile. I've got two new messages. Caspar and Joe. That's the life. I was friends with two of the most handome youtubers ever.

"Thanks for listening. It really means alot. x


"No problem Cas. I think I kinda know how you're feeling like right now. But that feeling wont last forever. x"

Before I read Joes Message I got up and showered. I did my makeup and hair. I then got dressed and sat back on my bed again. I grabbed my iPhone and read what Joe wrote.

"You're probably asleep right now but good night, sweet dreams. And do you need some help to unpack? xx"

"Well good morning Joe. I mean I wouldn't mind at all. xx"

I looked around my new room. There were like 15 boxes of clothes and other stuff. "Aw man" I let out under my breath. I started unpacking but after an hour I stopped. Only half of my clothes were in my closet and I was done. Neither Joe or Caspar had texted me back. I guess that's one of that youtube things. they go to bed at like 4am and sleep till 4pm.

"aaand I would answer all your wishes if you'd ask me to" my iPhone began to ring.

"hello?" i asked.

"good morning" a sleepy joe said happily. His morningvoice holy sh*t.

"Joee" i nearly screemed.

He chuckled. "How you're doing?"

"Uh I'm fine. Just unpacked some boxes-"

"Nooo. I need to help you!" He said and ended the call. Wow great Joe. Nice one. I got up and looked for new clothes. I got changed into a black skinny jeans and an 'arctic monkeys' crop top. I set up my mcbook pro and started iTunes. I klicked shuffle and 'Happily' by One Direction started to play. I layed back on my bed and closed my eyes. After about 30 seconds someone rang the bell. I sighed and got out of my bed and downstaires to open the door.

"Ey little one" I was greeted by Joe.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'll help you."

"But I already gave up"

"Doesn't matter" he said "Can I come in now?"

I the realized that he still was outside my house. "Uh um sorry." I said and blushed.

"you're so cute" he blurred out.

"n'aww you too" I said as we got upstairs into my room.

"Aw man" Joe said as he saw all the boxes.

For the next two hours we unpacked the last few things. And by 'we' I mean Joe, I just sat on my bed and watched him.

I don't get it how somebody could be as beautiful as him. I mean his eyes, they were the nicest color ever. I could watch him a whole day and I wouldn't get tired of it.

"What are you doing?" he asked me.

"Uh thinking"

"About what?"

"Doesn't matter" I could't tell him that it was him who I'm constantly thinking about. That would just be wrong. And to be honest, somebody like Joe would never like me back. He's a famous Youtuber and I'm just the girl from Germany who moved to England. Nothing special.

I felt somebody sitting beside me. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry."

"about what?"

"I don't know. I- um It's just- why are you even helping me?"

"Because that's what friends are for." Joe said and gave me his half smile. That's. the. cutest. thing. ever.


skinny love || joe suggWhere stories live. Discover now