Chapter 2

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Tina's P.O.V.

Here I am. Life is great, heck I'd even call it almost perfect. You might be wondering. What do you mean by almost? Well...

*twenty years ago*

My name was and is Tina and I'm twelve. I had a brother named Tony and my dad. I also had seven friends, well six friends, and one friendemy. There was one friend group with Cookie who had my back at all times, Lizzy who always reminded me about anything school related, and Kat who was super shy. My other friend group consisted of Luke who was always telling me to do the right thing, Goldy who aggravated me but could still be nice to talk to, and *sigh* Ryan. He is and still is amazing and super cute. Now you probably saying that's great Tina, but this just shows how great you life is so why did you say you had an almost perfect life. And to that I say that there are many things I regret, but there is one thing that truly affected me was Luke's death. I didn't see what happened, but i think that he bled to death. I was at his funeral, and I cried. Even if he could annoy me sometimes Luke still helped me and cared for me in so many different ways. I didn't even see his parents at their own son's funeral.

"He was my best bud," said Goldy, who was also crying. My blood started to boil. Luke always was being friend zoned by Goldy and here she was, friend zoning him AGAIN at his own funeral.

"GOLDY YOU ARE SO OBLIV-" I stopped myself. Luke wouldn't have wanted me to yell at Goldy. So after his funeral I changed some things about myself. I threw away my lightsaber. Luke didn't think I should use it. I tried to accept that I don't always get my way. Luke told me that it was a part of life. I even became more friendly with Goldy, but she still got on my nerves sometimes. Luke would have been proud. I only occasionally flirted with Ryan now. Luke had always said that if I gave Ryan some space he'll eventually confess. He was actually right. Four years later Ryan asked me out. He confessed that he had always liked me, and he saw how sad I was after Luke's death. He said that he knew that confessing would help me. That moment is what made me happy again.

*flashback end*

And now I'm here. With my friends Cookie, Lizzy, Kat, and Goldy. My boyfriend Ryan, but I still missed Luke. He was a good person, and a great friend. He was gone forever, or though I thought.

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