Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- Confession

Goldy's P.O.V.

11:01 PM

I'm going to confess. I'll take Ryan's advice. Even if he doesn't except, we'll still be best buds. Even if I want to be more. You got this Goldy. Just do it. I pick up my phone.......I put the phone down. I couldn't do it. This could totally ruin our friendship.

STOP BEING A BABY GOLDY! Okay. I pick up the phone and actually text him.


Goldz: hey brother

Luke I Am Yo Father: Wassup

Goldz: can u meet me on te roof of my apartment

Luke I Am Yo Father: I don't think it's your apartment.

Goldz: just git over here u sassafrass

Luke I Am Yo Father: Gothcha Beyoncé


*time skip brought to you by a Princey the dragon*

I could feel my face blush super hard. My palms were sweaty, my knees were weak, my arms heavy, my mom hasn't made any spaghetti. This is so nerve wracking. How did Ryan manage to do this? Uggh. I regret ever sending him that text. Why did I have to be tricked by Ryan. I'm so getting back at hi-

"Hey," Luke says behind me.

"AAH!" I scream. I didn't hear him coming.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I blush.

"Y-Yeah I'm f-fine," I stutter. YOU'RE STUTTERING GOLDY, STOP THAT!

He walks up to me. I feel myself grow redder. What if I don't look good enough. I mean I did just wear a skirt and my sloth long sleeve. Is that good enough. Flip. I should have bought a dress.

"Are you sure, your all red," Luke says while painting at my face. Flip. He could see it. This is it Goldy. Tell him. You got this.

"I LIKE YOU!" I yell. DON'T CONFESS LIKE THAT! THAT IS NOT HOW PEOPLE CONFESS! Frik. Now he's gonna think I'm weird or maybe he'll think that I meant as a friend. WHY *facepalm* DID *facepalm YOU *facepalm* DO *facepalm* THAT!

"Huh....Who would h-have thought it, the person who friend zoned me multiple times actually l-likes me back," he says. I look at him. He's grinning ear to ear. He likes me back. YES! I was so happy.

"L-l-likes me back?" I say. "F-friendzone?"

"Pffht! Goldy, I've liked you since literal days after we met," Luke says.

"R-really?" I ask. I look at him. His face was a deep velvet, but I doubt mine was any different.

"You just always friend zoned me, but it's been worth the wait," he says as he winks. My heart skips a beat. Was he always this flirty? He liked me this entire time? Was I actually that oblivious? He was literally stuttering moments ago? How is he so confident all of the sudden? Do flying squids really not exist? So many questions were surging through my mind.


"Sure," He says in a slightly higher pitched voice. We lean in, and let's just say. It was awkward...but at the same time it was AMAZING. I didn't expect it to got this smoothly. I literally just stopped denying I liked him and we already kissed. Wow. Smoother than a....smooth rock.

"T-that was a little awkward," I say, but I still really liked it. He looks at me.

"Awkward? Here...let me try to do better~" he says. I blush super hard as he kisses me passionately.

"You know how much danger your putting yourself in? Right?" He says. "Loving me?" I know he's trying to protect me from his villains, but I love him to much. I'm never leaving him.

"I don't care, I'm with you forever," I respond. He smiles.

Unicorn Mann's P.O.V.

She actually likes me. I'm so HAPPY. We even kissed and she didn't friend zone me. WOOOOH! It's absolutely astonishing that she liked me back. I can't believe someone as beautiful and funny as Goldy actually likes me. I thought it'd never happen, but here I am looking into the same eyes I fell in love with. The best part is is that they were looking lovingly back. I think about the locket she gave me. The locket reminded me of my past, the locket reminded me of Ryan, the locket reminded me of Tina, it's the locket I brought with me everywhere, and most importantly, the locket reminded me of Goldy and my love for her. It was a locket sure, but it wasn't just a locket. I'd like to think of the locket as a symbol of the love I had for Goldy. It was always with me. No matter what. I would always remember it, I would always cherish it, and I'd keep it till the ends of the Earth. So in the end, it isn't just some locket. It's THE LOCKET.

~The End

*Authors Note*

Thanks you guys so much for reading. I'm quite surprised that it got so many reads. And yes, I'm ending it on a nice even number. This was extremely fun to write. Also shoutout to everyone who read this for being amazing. And huge thanks to GalaxyWolf08 for being the first one to comment on my story (yes I read the comments and know that someone called me a monster in ch. 13). Anyways, thank you for the support and I hope you enjoyed. Also, do you think I should make another Ryguyrocky fanfic? If so, which ship?

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