Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-Ryan's P.O.V.

Hey there. Welcome to another day at dayc-. Nevermind...let me guess your here to hear about how Luke's death affected my life. ..........*sigh* Fine. I'll tell you.

*twenty years ago*

My name is Ryan. Duh. And...and. ..................................................Okay I'll be honest, yeah Luke was my friend and all, and I cried the day he died. But... I wasn't affected all too much. I was sad for like two weeks, but that's it. Maybe it was the tea that helped? It really wasn't Luke's death that affected me a lot. The thing that affected me was Tina. I secretly liked her, and she was really sad after Luke's death. It hurt to see her so sad. I saw her friends try and try and try to help her, but she was still sad. She even stopped flirting with me constantly. And even when she did flirt she didn't seem as enthusiastic as she used it be. She even turned down my offer of tea. HOW COULD ANYONE TURN DOWN TEA!? About a year after Luke's death, I saw a camp called Camp Recess and I knew how much Tina loved the outdoors so I took her, and her friends to the camp. She had lots of fun, she even smiled, but after camp she looked sad again. I never knew she cared that much for Luke. I mean yeah he was her friend, but she normally just admired me. I could tell she was better after camp. She was more enthusiastic, she talked more, and she went back into basketball, but she wasn't happy enough. I knew what I had to do.

*time skip brought to you by Peter the flamingo*

After three years of planning and nervously cancelling, I finally asked her out. She gladly agreed. It was there I confessed to her. She seems so happy after that. I think she got over the death of Luke. She no longer broke down whenever we mentioned his name. (Or when we watched the original trilogy of Star Wars). I was happy, that she was happy.

*flashback end*

That's about it. I helped Tina and now we're dating. I became a youtuber and that's it. The end. Now I know it sounds like I don't miss Luke, but I do. Tina, Goldy, and I have a party every August 30st in honor of Luke. You might be asking, Why August 30th?, Was that the day he died?, Was that the day of his funeral? And to those questions I say...No. August 30th is the day we stumbled upon Luke. It was a sad day the day Luke died. Tina still misses him, even if he's gone forever I tell her that we'll see him when we die. Apparently we would meet him a lot sooner.

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