Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Wither Me This, Wither Me That

Unicorn Mann's P.O.V.

I quickly look toward the loud BOOM I heard. There was an explosion, but it wasn't just any explosion. It was a black and white explosion caused by the one and only Wither. The Wither is a Square-headed man with two small faces growing on the sides of his face. His face is black with gray vains and white eyes. He also has a white mouth. He wears a black and white suit. The worst part about this guy is that he has a large variety of giant mechs built to only shoot out bombs, and fight me. It's super annoying. The most annoying part is is that this scum-wad keeps escaping. I fly over to where I saw the explosion, and there it was. Another huge, three-headed, black and white mech filled with bombs. What a "surprise."

"Y'know I almost had a really good day, but you just had to ruin it," I say, kind of mad.

"That's my job," he responds. He then proceeds to shoot tons of bombs at me. I try my best to catch all the bombs before they caused damage but, of course, I couldn't catch them all.

"Ugh. It's times like these I wish I could control my super-speed" I thought. While I was distracted The Wither tried to kill me by crushing me with his foot. Luckily my reflexes kicked in, and I help it back with my super-strength before it crushed me. Also that mech WAS HEAVIER THAN...THAN..THAN SOMETHING HEAVY! Then The Wither uses his mech to pick me up and tosses me into a billboard. The mech starts to trudge toward me. I quickly summon a pink fireball and throw it at him. It stunned him, but it didn't do anything besides that.

"WITHER ME THIS, WITHER ME THAT!" He yells while shooting bombs at me. "WHAT IS PINK, PURPLE, AND RED ALL OVER!"

"Let me guess he's gonna say that the answer is me" I think.

"THE ANSWER IS YOU!" He yells.

"Called it" I think while shooting even more fireballs at the bombs, making sure it doesn't destroy too much.

"ACTUALLY, I THINK THE ANSWER IS A NICE PURPLE, PINK, AND RED UMBRELLA!" I yell back. I hear him yell something, but I'm too distracted by the wrench next to me. I transfer some power into the wrench and fly over to the mech. I quickly started to dismantle the limbs of the mech. I was honestly surprised how easily the wrenched unscrewed the screws. I got exploded a few times, but I finally succeeded. There was no legs no arm as, only the torso and heads of the mech. I look at the wrench.

"I think I'm gonna keep this thing," I say.

The Wither's P.O.V. (Bet you didn't see that coming)

I start to climb out of my mech only to be greeted by a nice punch in the face. I wake up to see myself being pulled into a prisoner truck.

"THIS ISN'T OVER !" I yell.

"Actually it is over," another one of my heads say.

"SHUT UP!" I yell back.

Unicorn Mann's P.O.V

Another day, er night saved, and not too much damage. I was honestly impressed.

"Huh. I didn't expect such danger to commence on our first hour here." A stranger says behind me. I turn around.

"Sorry citizen. You happen to be in one of the most crime-filled cit-," I stopped, and I saw...

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