Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Platonic or Romantic?

Goldy's P.O.V.

I lay on my bed. It was 12:31. I couldn't sleep. All these thoughts about Luke were stuck in my head. The voices keep telling me that I like him, but I don't. Or do I? It's so confusing. Is this love? If so what kind, platonic or romantic? Those three words were drilled into my mind. Platonic or romantic? Platonic or romantic? Platonic or romantic? It wouldn't leave me alone until I answered. No matter how hard I tried. I just kept thinking about him. It kept giving me oldmemories.

He was the one who would play action figures with me.



"You'll never stop me!" I exclaimed, pretending to be the villian Hazard-Face.

"You will be stopped, for I am on the side of justice!" Luke exclaimed, pretending to be The superhero Kangachew.

"Kachow, Bam, Pow!" Luke and I excliamed, we were just slamming our action figures into each other.


I chuckled. It was always the highlight of my day.

He stood up for me.


"GOLDY YOUR SO STUPID!" Tina yelled as she pushed me. I had called Ryan stupid.

"No I'm not!" I yell, as I stand up. She only shoved me harder. Tina was about to punch me when Luke blocked it.

"Don't take it out on Goldy, if your going to punch someone punch me," Luke said.

"Wha-....Fine then," Tina responded. She punched him.


I started to blush a faint pink. He was so brave

He helped me with my homework


"Why should I help you?" Tina said after I asked her for help on my homework. At least I had Ryan...

"Homework? What homework?" Ryan asked. I was so gonna fail.

"N-Nevermind," I say, kinda mad. I was just huddled up in a corner, ready to fail.

"Need help," Luke asked. I nod my head yes. A few hours later I knew how to do it, and I got the answers right.


I blush red. He was so helpful.

He sowed my Chip plush's arm back on.


I had been crying for days. Chip's arm fell off.

"WAAAAAAAAAH!" I cried. Then Luke walked towards me.

"G-goldy?" He says. I look at him, tears in my eyes.

"Y*sniff* yes," I reply. He then shows me a fixed Chip.

"Gasp! Thanks Luke!" I yelled. I gave him a huge hug.


I go redder. I did that last part?

He cooked toast for me.


"But I'm hungry!" I complained.

"Well then starve," Tina replied. My stomach started to ache. I was craving toast, but I didn't know how to use the toaster.

"Here you go Goldy," Luke said while handing me a piece of toast. I look at him and smile.


I smile. I didn't know to work a toaster?

He'd fix all my toys, he convinced my parents to give me an allowance.


I was sad. My favorite action figure had broke. My parents were to busy to fix it. Luke was the one to use glue and fix it.

Luke had persuaded my parents to give me an allowance using the good qualities of an allowance.


I go even redder. The voices were starting to quiet down.

He saved my treehouse three times.


Luke was the one to persuade the construction workers to not tear down my tree, he put out the fire in my tree, and he was the one who created a giant sponge just to soak the water out of my treehouse


I go even more red. He knew how to do so much.

He taught me the difference between right and wrong.


I was about to light Tina's house on fire, to get revenge.

"GOLDY STOP!" Luke yelled. I look at him and ask why?

"This is how you get in trouble Goldy. This will only make things worse," he told me. I had learned my lesson that's day. He only continued to teach me the difference between right and wrong.


I become a lot more red. My face was so warm, and he was so wise.

And he genuinely cares for me.


LUKE played action figures with me, LUKE stood up for me, LUKE helped me with my homework, LUKE fixed Chip and my toys, LUKE gave me toast, LUKE persuaded my parents to give me an allowance, LUKE saved my tree house, LUKE taught me the difference between right and wrong, LUKE made sure I was included, LUKE made me feel appreciated.


I pick up the bracelet he made me. It's final. I loved Luke. Nothing would change that, but I still heard the voice telling me to confess........but I don't have the guts.

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