Chapter 4

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Goldy's P.O.V.

Hey there! I'm sure your here for the flying squid convention, right? No?

Luke? Oh....Luke....Yeah... Heh. Sorry, this a sensitive subject you see...

*twenty years ago*

"I was 10 when my best bud died...Luke was, of course, was my best bud. He was the one who would play action figures with me, he stood up for me, he helped me with my homework, he sowed my Chip plush's arm back on, he cooked toast for me, he'd fix all my toys, he convinced my parents to give me an allowance, he saved my treehouse three times, he taught me the difference between right and wrong, and he genuinely (that's right I know big words) cared for me. That's the definition of a top notch friend. I mean, Ryan was always drinking tea and avoiding bear hugs from Tina. Tina just didn't like me, so neither of them really payed that much attention to me. But Luke cared for me, he made sure I felt included and appreciated. When he died I was crushed. At his funeral I gave the speech, I broke down before I finished it, but i still volunteered. I was more appreciated by Ryan and Tina after that. I even made four new friends, but it was never the same. I didn't feel as, how do I say it, protected as I used to be. Luke was the person who did so much for me...and now he was gone.

*time skip brought to you by Eldoons Noodles*

Four years later and things had really changed. Tina and Ryan were dating. Tony and Kat were dating. Lizzy had moved away, but still talked to us through FaceTime. Cookie was in a basketball team, a soccer team, a football team, and still somehow managed to do mediocre in school. And me. I was the same. I still had Peter the flamingo, Guppy, and Chip. I still loved to have fun. And flying squids were still awesome. Luke was still dead. Our friend group was great, but I really still did miss Luke. I'd drift off in class thinking about all the great times I had with him. I tripped over so many things just thinking about him. I missed him. I would always remember him.

*flashback over*

There you go. There's my side of the story. At least I have the bracelet he made for me to remember him. I'm glad he came into my life, but I just want him back. Even if I know he can't. I wish he wasn't dead. I wish he'd just bump into me, the exact same way I met him. I know it's just a fantasy, and I know he can't come back. Little did I know...I was wr- wait what? WHAT DO YOU MEAN FLYING SQUIDS DON'T EXITST!?

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