Chapter 1

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This was NOT written by me I am posting for my friend who is not able to get a Wattpad account. his is NOT my story.

   Chapter 1- Unicorn Mann P.O.V.

Um. Hey there. *sigh* Sorry. It's just been a while since I've seen my friends. I barely have anything to remember them by...the only thing a had was a golden sloth locket. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

*twenty years earlier*

My name was Luke and I was twelve when I was separated from my friends. My three friends were Ryan who liked to drink tea and have fun, Tina who had a huge crush on Ryan and was kind of a brat at times, and Goldy my best bud/crush that continued to friend zone me over and over again, we hanged out in our tree house. Now one terrible day I was strolling down the block, trying to get over being friend zoned by Goldy AGAIN. When suddenly, my legs were cut off by the local villian Sawblade. I was in agony, I was bleeding with no one that could help me. Honestly, I don't even know how my friends reacted because I died before I could even see them again. After dying, I dropped somewhere that looked and smelled like a regular apartment building.

"Knock knock," said a strange figure. This figure was a simple cloaked figure with a skull face that probably would give nightmares to 3 year-olds.

"Who's there," I said.

"Shouldn't I be dead?" I thought.

"Death," the figure said.

"Death who?" I said, while wondering what the gumdrops was going on.

"That's me dipstick," Death says.

"Y-y-your Death?" I ask, frightened out of my mind

"No I'm the Easter bunny!" he replies. "OF COURSE I'M DEATH YOU IDIOT!"

"O-okay," I respond

"Anyways, you are Luke who died to the hands of a villian named Sawblade. Correct?" He says. I was only able to nod my head yes. "Jeez. You had a rough life kid, poor, lived on the streets for a lot of your life, family dead, no relatives, consistently friend zoned. Man that sucks." He says. "Listen, I may be death but I'm not heartless, I'll give you a more interesting life."

"H-How?" I ask, starting to become less intimidated.

"I dunno. I'll give you powers." He responds nonchalantly.

"WHAT!?" I screamed.

"Keep it down motor mouth, the neighbors will complain to the owner if I'm it's too loud." He says. "The life I'm going to give you will only exist on one condition."

"What?" I ask.

"Don't do anything evil, that's my job," Death says.

"Okay that should be eas- WAIT! I need to ask a question." I say

"Yeah what? Make it quick" he responds

"Will I be able to see my friends again?" I ask, hoping he says yes.

"........I dunno." He says, and then he snaps and everything goes black. I woke up in an alleyway in an unfamiliar city. I noticed some things different about my body, my legs were not flesh they were robotic, my hair was pink for some reason, and there was a random unicorn horn on my head. Then something fell out of my was the locket Goldy gave me as a symbol of our friendship. It was then that I decided to go find my friends immediatly.

*time skip brought to you by Derp's helium*

It was a month later and I hadn't found my friends. I was better with my powers, but I still couldn't find them. I tried my super-strength (even though it would do nothing), I tried my super jump ability, i tried my pink beam power (I may have gotten in trouble with the local authorities), and I even tried animal talking. After another month I just gave up. I cried for hours. I would never see my friends again.

*flashback end*

     And now I'm here. A superhero for my city, I had adopted the name Unicorn Mann as my true name. Luke was dead. Life was great, people actually accepted me, but without my friends I still felt empty. I was almost certain I would never see them again. Turns out I was wrong.

The locket- a Ryguyrocky fanficWhere stories live. Discover now