Chapter Eleven

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"So, do you have a plan for today?" Joe asked as he pottered around the kitchen, packing his bag.

He had a full day of meetings which he couldn't get out of. Dianne had decided she would use the time to have a 'mummy and me' day with Emelia, where her daughter could choose exactly what they did.

Dianne took a sip of her coffee. "Well, we looked through the picture book and she definitely wants to go and see Buckingham Palace."

"And you know you can look at it, right? Without getting arrested..."Joe smirked.

Dianne rolled her eyes. "Well, I do now. And then I think we'll go from there to Trafalgar Square. Maybe Hamley's if she's good. And then I've booked us afternoon tea on the South Bank for lunch. So we'll see the London Eye and stuff. And Parliament is near there, right? And Big Ben?"

Joe nodded. "Yeah, but don't be disappointed. Big Ben is currently out of action. But, yeah, you can see it all. Do you want to take my spare camera? You could film some stuff and take some decent photos. I'll edit them all for you when I get time."

Dianne smiled. "That would be nice, thank you."

Emelia walked into the living room. She had got herself dressed and was holding her hairbrush.

"Mama, can you do my hair please? I want it up like you did when we went to the fireworks, but I can't do it as good as you."

Dianne tapped the stool next to her, and Emelia pulled herself up and turned so that her back was facing her mum.

Dianne began to brush through her hair, trying not to pull too hard when she untangled the knots. "If you ever stopped moving, your hair wouldn't get so messy" she said as Emelia winced. "You've definitely got the Italian genes, though. Look at those curls!"

Emelia's long, dark hair fell naturally in loose ringlets. Dianne ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, separating out the curls. "Are you sure you want a bun?"

Emelia nodded. "OK. Sit still then, please."

Joe pulled his bag off the side as Dianne pulled Emelia's hair first into a loose ponytail.

"I've got to go, guys" he said, looking sad. "I wish I was spending the day with you, but..."

Dianne met his gaze with soft eyes. "We understand. Have you left us a key?"

Joe handed her his spare. Leaning in, he pecked her quickly on the lips. "See you later."

As he got to the door, he turned and smiled at Emelia. "Emelia! Have a good day! Make sure your mummy doesn't get too lost!"

Emelia laughed and waved goodbye as Joe left. Dianne finished fixing her hair and turned the stool around to admire her handiwork. She moved closer and kissed Emelia's forehead.

"My beautiful girl."

Emelia giggled. "Thank you, mama."

"OK, get your shoes on. Let's have an adventure!"


Joe leaned back in his seat at the long conference table.

He had finished one meeting and had a little time before the next one, which would be to discuss the newest line of Sugg Life merchandise. Pulling out his phone, he noticed the number of notifications he had from Dianne.

Scrolling through the pictures she had sent, Joe smiled. There was a photograph of Emelia stood next to one of the guards at the palace. One of her looking up at Nelson's column. One of her and Dianne in front of a fountain. There were also pictures that Emelia had taken, including one where she had snapped Dianne looking off into the distance in Trafalgar Square. Joe couldn't stop staring at it. She truly was exceptionally beautiful, and he was an incredibly lucky man to have her in his life.

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