Chapter Thirteen

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"Goodnight, baby. Sleep well." Dianne leaned in and kissed her daughter's head sweetly. Emelia smiled and rolled onto her side.

"Where's Joe?" She asked quietly.

Dianne looked through the door. "I think he's in the kitchen. Why?"

Emelia shrugged. "I just wanted to say goodnight to Joe, too."

Dianne called her boyfriend's name, and he came walking into the bedroom.

"Everything OK?" He asked.

Dianne smiled, her hand resting on the small of his back. "Yeah, Emelia just wanted you to say goodnight."

Joe walked over to where the little girl laid. She looked absolutely tiny in Bryon's double bed. Emelia turned to face him. "Joe, can you tell me the story again? The one about the scarecrow."

Dianne smiled. She remembered that story, the one Joe had made up on the spot. It felt so long ago now; so much had changed. Joe leaned back and sighed. "I'm not sure if I remember it, but I'll try my best."

Dianne left the bedroom and smiled as she heard Joe begin his story. She walked into the living room and relaxed. The lights were already dimmed, and Joe had left the wine to breathe on the side.

After a few minutes, Joe walked slowly out of Emelia's room, pulling the door until it was almost closed. He turned the lights down in the hallway to a very dim glow and made his way back to the kitchen.

Dianne was stood at the breakfast bar pouring their wine. "She's asleep" Joe said, smiling and taking Dianne's hand.

"Thank you" she said softly, her gaze moving between his eyes and his lips. "You're the best."

Joe smiled and stroked her hand. Moving to grab his glass of wine, he walked over to the couch and patted the space next to him. Dianne sat down, curling her legs under herself and resting her head on his chest.

"I genuinely never thought I'd find anyone who would care for Emelia the way you do." Dianne spoke softly as Joe played with her hair. "You... you've just been so good with her."

Joe smiled. "It's not hard. She's your child, she's half of you. Well, more than half really. I love you so much, it's not hard to love her too."

"I'm pretty sure she feels the same way about you."

"Well, her uncle Andrew arrives tomorrow so then the battle will really be on." Dianne chuckled softly at Joe's comment. Emelia loved her uncle, she really did, but their relationship was so different to the relationship she had with Joe.

"Andrew already knows how much Emelia likes you. She hasn't stopped talking about you. To him, or to my parents. I think you're safe."

Joe reached forwards and took a sip of his wine. "Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked, looking around for the remote control.

"Yeah, but something light. It's been a long day. I can't concentrate on anything with a complicated plot."

Joe scrolled through the options and settled on La La Land. He turned the volume down so that it wouldn't wake Emelia and closed the glass doors that separated the living room from the hallway.

Dianne smiled at him as he walked back over to the couch. Settling in the corner, he pulled her in closer so that there was no space between them.


The movie was soon forgotten. Dianne's lips had traced a line from Joe's ear to his neck. Joe's hands had moved under Dianne's top to stroke against bare skin. Using his finger to tilt her chin upwards, Joe slowly captured her lips. Dianne responded, kissing back gently, losing herself in the connection between them.

As their kisses intensified, Dianne pulled away and smiled. Her eyes met Joe's as she bit her lip. He took her hand and allowed her to lead him towards the stairs. He turned off the projector and the lights and made sure the door was locked.

Dianne crept quickly over to Emelia's room and peeked in. She was fast asleep; the Olaf Joe had won for her back in Blackpool was tucked underneath her chin. Pulling the door closed, Dianne smiled as she saw Joe walking quietly up the stairs.

He waited for her on the landing, where the plants they had bought together were decorated with tiny strings of lights.

Joe pulled Dianne into his arms and kissed her slowly. Dianne kissed back with more pressure, walking backwards as Joe moved them into his bedroom. They collapsed onto the side of his bed, Joe's lean body arching over Dianne as he moved his kisses from her lips to her neck.

"Mmm. I've missed this", Dianne said quietly. "I've missed this so much."

Joe smirked up at her, continuing to move his kisses down her body. Dianne's arms moved underneath him, pulling her top over her head to reveal a black bra. Joe continued to press his lips to each piece of new skin she uncovered, until his chin rested on her hip.

He looked up and met her gaze, watching her as she arched her neck.

"I bet I know what else you've missed" he said, knowing that keeping Dianne waiting was driving her crazy. His kisses moved lower still.

"Oh, shit" Dianne tried to be quiet. "Ah, Joe!"

Yes, she had definitely missed this.

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