Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey, I've been told to come in here."

Dianne was stood in the doorway to Joe's office. Andrew had taken Emelia out to the shop to 'get some things he had forgotten' and, as soon as they had come back, her bossy daughter had told her to go and sit with Joe until she told her they could come out.

Joe turned around on his desk chair. "Ok.. what are they planning?"

"No idea. We could be here all night. What are you up to?"

Dianne walked into the room and sat herself down on Joe's lap, landing with a thud. "Jesus, careful" he said jokingly, "I would like to leave this room with two working balls, thanks."

"Are you saying I'm heavy?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

"No. I'm saying get off my balls. There's a difference."

Dianne chuckled. "OK. Fair. Let me get the other seat."

Joe turned back towards his computer when Dianne's back was turned. He closed down what he had been doing and opened his emails.

"Hey, I forgot to ask earlier. What had happened before I got back from the airport? I mean, I was pleased to see you too, but you were relieved."

Dianne shook her head. "So, it turns out that parenting a six year old involves answering all of life's most weird and difficult questions. Like, will you still call me peanut when I'm 36 years old? Why do my parents call me Dot even though I'm not tiny anymore? And then, right before you walked in the door, she was asking if she would still be called Emelia Buswell if we got married. She asked what your surname was, and then she just fully dropped it on me."

"So I came back before you'd thought of an answer?"

"Yes, thank God. And she hasn't asked again."

"Maybe we just explain to her that that's a long way off. She's mature enough to understand that, surely. Just say that we don't know if we'll get married. I mean, I don't even know if you would even want to get married."

Dianne smiled. "I think I would. I think I like the idea of marriage."

"I know it's hard because she's six and because she's, well, Emelia. But I think she'd understand if you just said that it's not something either of us are ready for. And that, if and when the time is right to discuss getting married, we will talk to her about it and she can decide for herself what she would like her name to be."

Dianne looked at Joe, her eyes soft. "You're something else, Joseph. Truly." She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "I'm glad we both have you around."


After what felt like a lifetime, there was a soft knock at Joe's office door.

"Come in" Joe said, catching Dianne's eye as the door opened slowly.

"Sir, Madam." Emelia had a tea towel draped over her arm, just like Joe had done when he had served her breakfast earlier in the week. She presented them both with a piece of paper. They both read it quickly.

Emelia Scarlett Buswell's Kichin. Dinner is pizza and green salad. Drinks is shampane or worter. Dessert is red froots and choclat. Enjoy your stay.

Dianne smiled. "What's this, baby?"

"Please", Emelia held her arm out, completely staying in her role. "Let me show you to your table."

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