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Soft culture
Genre:Kinda inspired by another book i read lol
Title:You can name the title lol
Warnings: nothing lol
You were busy planning the outfits for the performance Stray Kids was having that you didnt notice Woojin in front of you.

"Omg im sorry Woojin sunbae." You bowed.

"Woah its okay. You can just call me woojin we are the same age." He smiled.

'His smile is so cute. No wonder i fell for him..' You shook off those thoughts and smiled back.

"Im supposed to get ready your outfits for today's performance so here you go." You passed him his chosen outfit and he thanked you and walked off to the changing room. Minho walked behind you and scared you.

"Boo!" You flinched and turned around.

"Yah Minho i hate you."

"Its Lee Know to you noona." He emphasised. You rolled your eyes.

"Here is your outfit. I need to get your makeups done too. Omg this is so rushing." You sighed. Minho ruffled your hair.

"Its fine noona, take your time and go at your own pace. Just stay in your lane~" You squinted your eyes at him.

"Did you just quote 'My Pace'?" He giggled.

"Yup now that still implies." You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah yeah got it Minho." Minho walked away. Soon enough they were performing soon so you quickly walked to side stage and sneakily watched them from far.

Every precise moves they did, you fell in love. But you were busy staring at Woojin when you felt a tap on your shoulders.

"Hey Y/n, we need to back in the practice room, they need another outfit after performing." Your colleague called out. You nodded and sighed before walking back to the dressing room.

You heard the boys walking back to the room. They were still hyped and loud from the performance so you obviously knew it was them.

"Noona did you see us just now?" Jeongin shouted excitedly.

"Nah she was staring at Woojin sunbae, i saw here drooling over him before i called her back to the room." Your colleague giggled. You blushed.

"Y/n lets talk." Woojin asked.

"5 minutes till you have to go out there boys."

"Woojin how about later. You have to go." You smiled weakly. Woojin smiled back.

You watched the mini television in the dressing room. They were annoucing the new rookie award. You didnt really mind too much but when they annouced Stray Kids as the winners, you stopped your work and looked at the screen with a wide smile.

"I knew they could do it." You said to yourself.

"Hey y/n i know you really love woojin, why dont you just confess." Your colleague bumped your shoulder. You had looked down and blushed.

"I would but woojin doesnt like me like that, plus he is an idol. Im just the makeup artist."

"Dont say that ever heard of Junwoo?"


"Well he and a member of Twice are dating. Junwoo was her makeup artist and now he is her boyfriend. That could be you y/n with woojin." Your colleague snudged. You smiled to yourself.


You looked up at the screen and the boys were smiling and then woojin came up to the microphone.

"I would like to thank our pd, stays and lastly the person that stole my heart." He winked. "I love you!" Gives the finger heart.

You died, what if it was for you?

The boys quickly went backstage. Woojin backhugged you all of a sudden.

"You know this isnt professional sunbae." You joked. Woojin pulled away from you and pouted.

"I told you not to call me sunbae." You giggled.

"Okay fine. By the way what was the last mention for?"

"Oh you mean about the person i love? Well...Shes right in front of me." Woojin showed his infamous smiled. You melted and blushed.

"O-Oh..Thanks." You bowed. Woojin placed his hand on your shoulder and pulled you close. He was leaning in.

'Oh my rjsibd am i getting my first kiss?' You thought.

Just as Woojin's lips ghosted yours a cough was heard.

"*Ehem*Woojin lets get going back to our seats. You two can continue this later." Chan smirked. You rolled your eyes.

"Im sorry that ruined the moment but i will see you later right?"

"Yeah of course." Woojin pecked your cheeks and walked towards the other members. You stayed lovestruck and happy.

"Ooo someone has got a boyfriend!" Your colleague nudged your shoulder.

"Oh shut up, dont you think i didnt see Chan's hands all over you." Your colleague blushed.

"To be fair, he is a great kisser."

"EWW STOP UNNIE!" You smacked her arms.
I havent been updating a lot cause of studies im sorry♡

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