
817 21 1

Genre: Fluff?
Title: Its late
Requested: Nope
Warnings: Umm vulgarities i guess

You were busy with your work. The clock striked 6:30pm so that meant your shift at the local Music store was over but as you were ready to close the store a customer came into the store.

"Umm excuse sir. Im sorry but the store is closing. If you would like, you can visit it tmr when its opened." You told the stranger.

He turned to face you. Omg no its Moon Taeil, the guy who made fun of you in school.

"Oh great to see you Y/n seems like your working at a Music store. I thought you would be fulfilling your dreams of being a famous singer or something." He smirked.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Well i didnt get accepted into any entertainment and plus the university offer was expired so here i am. Now if your here to tease me, you can leave." You said bluntly.

"Oh your still the same Y/n. How wonderful. I never thought you could be this fucking rude still." Taeil said.

"You were the one who made fun of me and teased me. How could i not have defended myself." You crossed your arms.

"Well ever considered thinking it was joke?" Taeil said.

"Nope cause you teases always made a huge scar on me now get out cause im trying to close the store." You pointed to the door.

"I could help you know." Taeil said simply.

"Why would a rude ass person like you help me huh?" You said.

"Cause its late? Plus if you injured yourself there is no way in hell would anyone be able to help you." Taeil said.

You glared at him for a bit and went into the store room to pack some supplies. Taeil followed behind.

"Fine, you can help. Just put the boxes into the store room. Dont stack them up its too heavy and it will break the supplies below it." You said and Taeil nodded.

In about an hour, you two were done. It would usually take you about 2 and half hours to complete the task but today was much easier since Taeil helped you. You grabbed your bag on the counter and closed the store. Taeil stood beside you as you closed the door.

"Well thanks for helping, i guess. Now im gonna go home." You said before you walked away.

Taeil grabbed your wrist and made you turn to him.

"You realise its like 10pm right now?" He said.

"Yeah whats your point?" You said.

"Its late and a lady like you shouldnt walk around alone plus we can walk together my house is near yours." Taeil said.

"How the fuck do you know where i live?" You said.

"Look im not a stalker. I saw you around where i live." Taeil stated.

"Fine but try anything funny and i will call the cops on you." You threathened.

You walked to your neighbourhood with Taeil beside you. It was awkwardly quiet. Suddenly a drunken man came to you.

"Hey baby y-you look so hot. Wanna visit my house and have a little fun?" He said touching you ignoring Taeil beside you.

"Excuse me sir what are you doing to her?" Taeil said.

"What the fuck do you want. Shes mine. I wanna have fun with her tonight so back off." He said drunkenly.

"Well your not doing that to her cause shes my girlfriend." Taeil pulled you behind him.

You were scared but the gesture Taeil did made you really feel safe and maybe you blushed at it.

"SHES MINE UGLY." He said.

Taeil threw a punch at him and grabbed your wrist running away from that drunk man. You reached your house.

"God that was close. Are you ok?" Taeil said as he checked on you.

You were still in shock so tears flowed down your cheeks once you knew you finally got away from that drunk man. Taeil saw the tears dripping down cheeks so he pulled you into a hug.

"Hey its ok Y/n im here. Dont be afraid." He patted your back.

You silently cried for a bit and pulled back once you calmed down.

"Thanks Taeil...Im sorry you had to see the weak side of me. I know pathetic." You said as you looked down.

Taeil lifted your chin and he stood closer to you.

"Hey its not pathetic. People have feelings and its ok to show your weak side once in a while." He said as he stared into your eyes.

You stared into his dark brown eyes and without much thought leaned foward and Taeil did the same thing. As your lips were about to touch, your front door opened.

"Sis why are you back so late?" Your brother Taeyong said.

You and Taeil back away from each other and you turned to Taeyong. While Taeil was shook.

"Taeyong..I umm...." You trailed off.

Taeyong looked to your side and saw that you were with his member.

"What the fuck are you doing with my member?" Taeyong said.

"Member? What do you mean?" You said confused.

"He is in the same group as me. We debuted about a month ago." Taeyong said.

You looked from Taeyong to Taeil.

"You and my brother are in a Kpop group?" You said.

Taeil kept quiet.

"Yeah but he is older than me so he is 2 years older than you." Taeyong stated.

Your mouth dropped.

"Well come on lets get inside. Taeil i will go to the dorm later on, im having dinner with my sister unless you wanna join?" Taeyong smirked knowing what he disrupted before.

"Umm sure Taeyong." Taeil said.

"Oh dont worry, you two can kiss later on. I wont disturb." Taeyong said before going back into the house.

You stared at Taeil and Taeil stared back at you.

"I guess he saw what we did." You said.

"Well he is gone now wanna continue?" Taeil smirked.

"Sure." You smirked.

Taeil planted his lips on yours and the kiss was long and passionate. After that, you walked into the house satisffied you kissed Taeil.
Ending sucks lol anyways thats it for today. See ya in the next chapter tmr.

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