Brokengirl's Random Thoughts: Letting Go

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As a child I am always fascinated with stories about a Princess and her Prince Charming. A beautiful  lady being saved and loved by a dashing good hearted man. Some call it happy endings, some call it destiny, some call it fairy tale.

In my years of existence I grew up in one of the most wonderful love stories I ever witnessed. The Love of My Own Parents. My dad was far from being the Perfect Prince and same with my mom but their love for each other awed me. When I was younger I wanted a prince like him. He has his flaws but he never failed to show my mom how much he loves her. He stand by my mom even if my mom was on her weakest moment or even if my mom was not as perfect as she can be. He stands by her, she stand by him. 

It was then I realized that there is someone in this world that was created and was meant to be yours. Destiny, is what they call it but for me it was called true love. Lucky are those who found it. I am sure that once in our lives we have encountered our one true love. Some ended up with their true love and found their happy endings but for some, they might have thought that he or she was his or her true love but in reality he or she was not meant to be yours. 

Then come, the pain and the heart break.  And Letting Go...  And Moving On ....

                                                                       For a better tomorrow....

In my first two stories I showcased a love that was more on reality. A love who underwent the pains, the fears, the uncertainties, and the doubts. A love that was more than the kilig and the romance but a love that was more on the reality... The reality of loving and sacrificing. A romance that was far from the perfect fairy tale we all know....

In Each Other's Arms gave me an opportunity to showcase my perception of the real meaning of Destiny, Fairytale and True Love. I tried my best to inject realities of life as I wanted my readers to envision life not as a fairytale but a beautiful love story. Of course, I made the characters perfect as they seems to be but upon following their characters you can still see their flaws, weaknesses and their realness. I am now at the point of tackling the letting go process as I am starting to emphasized it with one of my secondary characters. Incidentally, in real life I am on Jake's shoes. After years of being hanged up in the air, and of not facing my much needed closure at last destiny paved the way. I finally faced my worse fear. My fear of letting go...... It was damn painful, it was hard facing that I loved someone that was not meant for me.... It was hard knowing that you loved the wrong person......It was hard realizing that after years of  being alone and years of expecting that in the end you will be still together that finally now, it was over, was overwhelming...

In the end we all have to realize that love was not a bed of roses..... That part of loving is letting go.... it might be hard and painful but I am sure you can surpass it.... In time....

"After all, life itself is already a wonderful love story on its own"


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