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I pause Grey's Anatomy for the eight billionth time it seems, because of yet another loud crash from my upstairs neighbors.

I roll off the bed, completely irritated, and stick my head into my best friend's room, "Caroline, I'm going to kill them. I can't even watch one episode of Grey's."

Caroline looks up from where she is painting her toenails and rolls her eyes, "Let my nails dry, and we will go together. Grey's is sacred."

"I'm just going to talk to them alone, it's no big deal," I raise my hands in defense, "I swear I won't hurt them."

Caroline laughs and shakes her head, "Okay, but if I hear yelling I'm running up there wet toenails and all."

I walk back to my room and slide on my house slippers. I'm wearing black leggings and a pink tank top. My blonde hair is tied back in a messy ponytail, and the purple house shoes really complete the look.

I grab my keys off the counter and walk to the elevator. I press the up arrow and wait patiently. I hear loud clangs and laughter from inside the elevator before it arrives.

The doors open to reveal two boys, no older than me. In fact, one of them looks really young. The young one is wearing white rimmed glasses. His hair is sticking up in every direction, though it is not as crazy as his companion's. The other one is short and has wild, curly hair that covers half his face. They both try to hide their smiles as I walk in the elevator.

At first glance, the boys aren't very cute.  The more I look, the more handsome I find them. There is something oddly attractive about them both.

The boys are whispering on the corner, casting quick glances at me.

I hear the younger one whisper, "Do you want to go first?"

The curly haired one hits him on the head and whispers something I can't hear. This elevator ride can't get much weirder, I decide.

I was wrong.

The young one turns towards me and says, "Hey are you from Tennessee, cause you're the only ten I see." He adds a little wink.

I roll my eyes and laugh quietly, "Uh, I'm from Georgia actually, but nice try." Is this really happening?

"I was close," he holds up his hands in defense.

The other boy pushes him out of the way and says, "Step aside, Zach. Let me show you how it's done." He clears his throat before dramatically saying, "Hello, I'm Jack Avery, and I have a very important question," he smiles and looks at the ground.

I smile, "Okay, Jack Avery, what is your question?"

"Are you Google, because you're everything I've been searching for?"

The elevator doors open and I laugh. "That was actually pretty good."

This is definitely the most amusing elevator ride I've ever been on.  I almost hope I see them again sometime.

I step out of the elevator, resuming my mission to raise hell on the people in apartment 420.

As I'm walking down the hallway, I feel a presence beside me. I turn to see Jack walking faster to catch up with me.

"So Google, do you want to tell me your actual name before we split up?" he flirts.

"How have you been searching for me if you don't know my name?" I raise my eyebrow. His mouth drops, trying to think of his next comeback.

"I just googled 'the prettiest girl on earth', and your face popped up," he shot back. Damn, he's good.

"Just for that one, my name is Ella," I hold out my hand to greet him. He takes it and holds on a little longer than socially acceptable.

"And how about your number?"

I scrunch my nose and shake my head, "Nice try."

I pass apartment 419 and slow my steps. Zach and Jack walk ahead of me and open the door to- you'll never guess it- apartment 420.



Hey guys this is my first fic! Thanks so much for reading, I know it is rough rn. I have faith that it'll get better! I have so many ideas and a great best friend helping me not suck as much. I got real big plans for this fic ;)

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