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Waiting for Jack to come back, I got a call from my parents. They told me that they would be flying out to visit this weekend. Today is Monday though, and I hope that's enough time for all of the planning I need to do. I want to make sure I show them all of my favorite things in LA. They have always been really busy with work, so they haven't been able to come visit me since moving me into my dorm last August. I've gone home a few times, but I'm excited for them to finally see the city I live in from my point of view.

Both of my parents are biochemical engineers and they spend a lot of time working on their research. They met in a lab, and it was love at first chemical reaction. I know that the work they do is important. I don't blame them for investing so much of their time into it- they are saving lives. I just wish they had a little more time for me is all.

So I'm really excited for them to come to LA. It's going to be so cool for them to experience this crazy city. Maybe I'll get to introduce them to our new neighbor friends.

I open my Snapchat and our group chat has so many new videos. Mostly from the boys, but one or two from Caroline. Our group chat is called "hoe in the ceiling" because when I was texting my mom about the hole, I mistyped. Now they won't let me live it down.

The videos crack me up. It's various ones of the boys being stupid and running into things, and also a few of them zooming in on each others faces. Caroline sends a video with no context saying, "BUT THE COOKIES" and I send a confused face back. Everyone else seems to get it.

I get my computer out of my room because I've suddenly had a great idea. The boys are famous, so there are bound to be interviews. I want to watch all of them.

I pull up YouTube and type in why don't we funny moments. So many videos pop up, and I start at the top. When I find really funny or cringe ones I send a video of it in the gc. I finally understand Caroline's snap. My favorite is one where Jack is asked to name three countries, and he says London. I send him a video replaying that moment and turn the camera forward to me cry-laughing. I laugh so hard and wheeze. I squeal " England is my city" and send it.

Jack sends back a very mad face.

This is how I spend the rest of my time before Jack texts me that he is on his way over. I start to believe that watching interviews was a terrible mistake because now I am only more head over heels for Jack. He's so damn funny and adorable but also kinda hot and idk what to do with all of these feelings.

Jack knocks on my window and I think he's grown accustomed to not using the front door. I would be lying if I said the realization didn't make my heart flutter a little.

His face lights up when he comes in and heat fills my cheeks. He just makes me happy.

"Okay I know we planned to go get the supplies together, but I present to you option number two," I dramatically reveal the valentines themes premade cookie dough pack Caroline left in the fridge.

He tilts his head and shrugs his shoulders, "I suppose we could make it work. If I can eat a row of the dough."

My mouth drops, "A whole row? No way you'll get sick!"

"How about two cookies...?"

I laugh softly, "Deal."

We go to kitchen and I let Jack connect his phone to the Bluetooth speaker. We align the cookies on the tray and I put them in the oven.

I turn around and Jack is dancing all around the kitchen and he grabs my hand to join him. We jump and sway and he spins me around. When I face him again after my second spin I trip on nothing.

I completely fall on my ass and Jack stands above me laughing. I pretend to pout and he keeps apologizing, but he's struggling to say he's sorry through his laughter. He help me up and I join in laughing too.

"You're a mess," he says and he hasn't let my hand go since helping me up. He doesn't say this in a rude way. He says it so endearingly with a bit of a spark in his eye. Or maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see. Maybe he thinks I'm a psycho bitch.

I roll my eyes, "Tell me about it."

I pull my hands away from his and go to his phone. The cookies have a few minutes left and I decide that it's my turn to pick a song.

"What are you doing?" Jack asks. He comes and looks over my shoulder as I try pointlessly to make us have the same fingerprint. He reaches around me and puts his thumb on the home button. The fact that part of me swoons at his arm around me unlocking his phone makes me really question my ideas of romance.

"My turn."

Jack hops up on the counter. I add my song to the queue and turn around to wait for my shining moment.

Truth hurts by Lizzo blares over the speaker and I'm not sure anyone can prepare for this. I immediately sing every word and dance along. I'm so extra and I know it. I use the wooden spoon as my microphone. Jack is already laughing before the chorus even starts.

When the song is over I take a bow. He claps, like a true gentleman. The next song that plays is one we both know. I take his hand and pull him off the counter to be a fool with me.

I swear no one has ever looked at me the way he is looking at me right in this moment. I look like a wreck in sweatpants and a messy ponytail, but he doesn't seem to care. I shake my head.

As if the universe hadn't already played wingman enough for the night, the next song that comes on is slow. I expect Jack to skip it, but instead he bows low and offers me his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asks like a dork.

Of course I accept.

His hands slide around my waist, bunching the fabric of the Sabrina Carpenter T-shirt I have on. He pulls me as close as I can get and I rest my head on his shoulder. I didn't realize how tired I was.

Jack's body is warm and he rests his head in the crook of my neck. His breath tickles my neck and I've never had to exercise this much self control. I relax my shoulders and stop thinking about anything but this dance. There is a beautiful boy holding me in his arms and I'm damn well gonna enjoy it.

I pull back and look at his face. My eyes meet his. I let them flick down to his lips. Subtlety be damned. I look back into his eyes and there is something different but I can't pin point what emotion he's feeling. I wish I was a mind reader. We are so close and I just want to close the space. I want to lean in even more and throw all caution to the wind. I want to know what it feels like to kiss him.

But I can't. I'm scared.

He's leaning in first. I can feel his breath on my lips.


The oven timer goes off and we jump apart. I rush over to the oven and quickly pull the cookies out.

Jack's face is flushed when I look at him again. I know mine must match.

"Umm.. Do you want a cookie?" I choke out. I couldn't have said that phrase more awkward if I had tried.

Wow it's been sooo long. I'm so sorry!!!
I'm back now and I'm gonna try to fix myself and update like a normal human.
Thanks for reading!

Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now