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My phone is blowing up with Instagram notifications. I open the app and see that I'm tagged in so many pictures of me and Jack at the pier. There are some of us holding hands and others of our ice cream stop. My chest tightens, all of them are speculating our relationship.

Oh no. This is bad.

I rub my hand over my face. What will Jack think? Will this affect his career or anything? I don't know- I have no experience with fame.

My phone lights up with Jack's caller ID.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, El. Can you come by the studio? My manager wants to talk to us," he says nervously.

"Shit, Jack, I'm sorry. I can't believe this," I apologize.

"No, it's okay! He didn't sound mad. I'm just confused. But don't worry or stress. It'll be okay, promise."

"Okay see you in a few."


I park my car and my hands are shaking. I have no idea why I'm so nervous. It feels like getting called to the principal's office in a way.

Jack is waiting for me in the lobby. He's leaning on a chair and running his hands through his hair, but he smiles at me and stands up straight when he sees me.

We walk to his manager's office and sit next to each other.

I look over at him and whisper, "I'm freaking out."

"Don't. It's okay, I'm sure it's no big deal," he takes my hand and rubs his thumb soothingly along the back.

I take a deep breath. His manager comes in and Jack lets go of my hand.

"Hi, I'm Ray. It's nice to meet you, Ella," he greets and shakes my hand.

"Allow me to explain why I asked you to meet with me," he sits down at his desk, "Some paparazzi got some picture of the two of you at Santa Monica Pier. I'm sure you've seen them. This incident got Jack Avery trending on twitter, and we haven't had that much attention in a while. People love to pry into celebrity love lives. With the tour announcement coming up, and the new music you guys are working on, we think it would be good to take advantage of some publicity."

"Where are you going with this?" Jack asks cautiously.

Ray smiles kindly, "We want the two of you to date as a publicity stunt. We need you to be 'couple goals' as the kids say," he laughs. We don't join him.

I'm shook to be honest.

"WHAT?" we both say in unison.

"I already talked to the PR team and they are on board. Ella, I know this is a weird request, but you are prefect for this. The two of you are already in the public eye, and we want to embrace that. You would be compensated for you participation as well."

This is weird. This feels wrong. I would be paid to fake date Jack Avery? I know I'm pale, and I'm honestly at a loss for words.

"But why? Why me? I'm not famous."

"Exactly! We would get to show that Jack is just a normal guy and he can date anyone- even if you aren't famous. People love to 'ship' people, as you would say. If we give them a 'ship-worthy' couple, they will eat it right up. It will get people talking about you, Jack, and the band."

I sigh. This is a lot. I look at Jack and he is staring anywhere but me.

"Jack, look at me, what do you think?" I ask.

"You're considering this?" he asks incredulously.

I shrink back into my chair, "Why not? It could help you guys, and we already spend a lot of time together."

He takes a deep breath and puts pinches the bridge of his nose, "I don't want to lie."

Ray looks atJack, and turns his attention back to me. "We have already decided on this. If Ella agrees we will move forward, if not we will think of something else. This is the business, Jack. Welcome to Hollywood."

Jack looks pissed but he shrugs, "It's up to you, Ella."

"I'm in."

Ray says a some other things, but I don't really listen. I'm too focused on Jack.

When we are dismissed Jack grabs my arm gently in the hallway, "What are you thinking?"

"What? Why do you think this is such a terrible idea?" I ask. I'm finding it hard not to take it personally that he won't even fake date me.

"I don't want you to get roped into this. The spot light isn't the place for someone like you."

I take a step back, "What do you mean by that? Someone like me?"

His shoulders sag, "Ella-"

"Someone ordinary?" I ask.

"That's not what I said."

"You didn't have to."

"You know what I meant, Ella. They can sugar coat it all they want, but you'll get hate from this. I don't want to see you get hurt."

I release my momentary anger. "We're in this together. I'll be okay."

Later that night it's made official with the agency, and I get some emails about my new "job". I'll have a "social media consultant" and basically this chick will do all of my posting from now on and tbh I rlly needed that. She will also spend a lot of time with me, like an assistant. They sent me her contact information and her name is Lillian. We text for a little while and she seems rlly cool. We plan to meet up tomorrow and talk about my new job.

Wild times for these two. Guaranteed to get wilder. ;)

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