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Try harder . . . cut

Stop being such a disappointment. . . cut

Stop being so lazy. . . cut

Give us a little back. . . cut

Would it kill you to try with your education. . . cut

Why can't you be more like your sister. . . cut. . . cut. . . CUT

OK I'll be more like my sister and I won't show my emotions until there're too much for me to handle. . . cut

Her words cut me like knives, no they hurt more. I know what it feels like to have knives cutting your skin and her words hurt more. So much more. I know you wish it was the other way around mother! I wish she was here instead of me as well. I KNOW YOU DON'T LOVE ME, LIKE YOU DID HER. And why would you love me more? I'm nothing! She got the brains, the beauty, the loving personality. I'm not her mum. I want to scream. I'll never be her! I look in the mirror and see her eyes looking back at me. . . CUT.


hey to whoever is reading this.

Um... well at first this story was called Even though you don't love me, tell me you love me. But i changed the title... i just liked A heart with a million scars better i guess. 

anyway i hope you enjoy the rest on the story.

RABBITheartedGIRL  xoxoxoxoxo <3

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