8. Climb

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The first step is bravery; The second step is resolution; The third step, is the journey

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The first step is bravery; The second step is resolution; The third step, is the journey.

"Hold on tight," Roxanne warned the girl.

Citrine put her hands hesitantly on the Graveler, not knowing where to grab. The arms? but it used its arms to climb. The back was full of shallow and sharp rocks, and the only comfortable crevices it had was probably the mouth-- it probably wouldn't like that. 

Instead, Citrine pulled her arms around the Pokemon, obtaining a semblance of a tight hug around it-- seemingly alright with it, the Graveler stretched its arms out toward the steep rock wall.

Roxanne was crouching on her own Graveler, managing an easier grip on the Pokemon's back. She was used to travelling like this, and Citrine seemed to understand why Riley requested her as an escort now.

Graveler seemed to be climbing at an awfully steady pace, careful not to jostle the girl on its back. Roxanne, though, seemed to spindle rapidly upward, reaching the top of the cliff in mere seconds.

Citrine didn't like feeling like a burden, but she already felt her grip loosen from the chapped rocks. She didn't complain, but bit down on her lip and clutched tighter, bearing with the climb.

Graveler hefted itself over the edge, helping the girl to her feet.

Roxanne waited by a rock, offering the girl some water as a refreshment as she arrived. She wasn't fazed by the taxing journey at all, and actually seemed eager to keep going a little longer from here.

Citrine wasn't too exhausted, but the sun was a glaring fire against her eyes. Even her Lotad had to stay inside its Poke Ball, fearing roughage. 

"Is this your first time out of Rustboro?"

Citrine was surprised Roxanne even spoke to her. 

The older girl was rather unsociable, coming on only as a responsible chaperone. It's been a few tough hours since they left Rusturf Tunnel, but the only conversation they've had was about safety issues.

"I... I've been to Dewford, with my brother, somewhere around last year," she admitted to her, rather embarrassed, "all the adults I've known were rather paranoid of the idea of me going out alone. I've been on this mountain with my brother though, camping."

"You're quite sheltered, aren't you," Roxanne mused, unpacking the lunch boxes and offering Citrine a rice ball, "I do think it's odd, but I won't pry."

It's because last time I went out of the area, I almost died, but yeah--

"So, Miss Roxanne," she accepted the food gratefully, settling down at the side and watching the Pokemon begin munching on their own shares, "why did you... agree to bringing me over the mountains? Isn't it leaving your gym unsupervised for a number of days?"

Roxanne had exceptional table manners, Citrine couldn't help but be in awe.

She didn't speak while eating. She ate with her mouth closed, and chewed quietly. She had a handkerchief and everything, even though this was a mountain! 

In her presence, Citrine felt exceedingly vulgar.

"It's the responsibility of the seniors to look after their juniors, is it not?" Roxanne brimmed with a prideful smile, "The weekly Gym Test has been canceled this week, thus I have a free schedule for seven days. It would be alright if I took a little excursion in the event of a change of pace, don't you agree?"

And unfortunately, Citrine agreed.

After all, because of this, she managed to get some alone time with Roxanne, the Roxanne!

"Miss Roxanne," she burst with excitement, leaving her spot and rushing up to the older girl, "you were an alumnus of Trainers' School, weren't you? How did you juggle your studies and Pokemon Training? How did you choose your specialty? Was your first Pokemon a Geodude? Where did you find a Nosepass?"

"Woah, take your time," Roxanne had to take a moment of air. "The trip would take three days. We have plenty of time to get those questions answered one by one."

"I'll do my best!"

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