34. Helper

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Who cares about common sense?

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Who cares about common sense?

"Seriously, a mid-boss levelled Pokemon Battle and all I have on hand is a Zubat that is capable of flying itself into a Water Gun not aimed at him."

Citrine can see the hopelessness in this situation already. Maybe she should turn tail and run for it.

As if on cue, Zubat flies into her face. With a groan, she pries the bat off of her face and points at the Vibrava, "that way!"

But Crowy is still confused. Her eyes sharpened at that, sensing something wrong in the situation.

Now that she pried her ears to listen, there was a humming noise in the background. obscured by the whizz of the sandstorm. Alarmed, she looked for the source-- and found it in Vibrava's sharply-fluttering wings.

"Crowy, use supersonic!" she commanded immediately, holding her Zubat in the direction of the Vibrava-- "it's sending ultrasonic waves with its wings. That's why you can't see!"

And instantly, Zubat roared. Vibrava tensed its wings, fluttering sharply in retaliation.

It was a fierce battle of Supersonic against Supersonic. It rang loud in Citrine's ears-- surely, if she had a better pain sensor, her head would be an explosion of agony if this pressure in her head making her feel nauseated was anything to gauge.

Covering her ears, she knew she wouldn't make it the other way back. Maybe she should call for Lotty or Whismy? Crowy can't defeat the Vibrava on his own... the type disadvantage of the weather, among other things.

The supersonic battle in progress, she couldn't give any commands.

Instead, she breathed in, and screamed. She was muted amongst the sound already present-- but from the way Crowy fluttered sharply, dipping down and raising again-- he'd heard her loud and clear.

There was no command in that voice. Just a wordless, mindless scream, in hopes that Zubat would understand.

Fight for me, it meant.

And despite everything, Crowy was Rash by Nature. It's impulsive, dumb, and reckless.

So immediately after understanding the order, it dove forward, wing glowing silver before he flapped it sharply forward, sending a wave of razor-sharp wind rippling through the air, nailing the Vibrava's side.

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