Good Bye

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                   2 months later

Lauren felt guilty when she saw the sad face on her husband's eyes though he never express it but, whatever, They know eachother for now seven years she know his every single move.

She felt guilty when her five years old son, Raphael ask for his sibling.

She felt guilty when her gaze landed to the corner of the room which carry the gifts of her dead child.

She blankely stare at the t.v which was now showing her son's favourite show 'The SpongeBob square pants'

Raphael fiddle with the cereal in his hand.

"Don't play with food" she stated and the fiddling sound stopped.

"You will be late for school, raph... Eat fast" Sasha said, the maid.

"Yes!" He replied and drunk the whole milk in one go.

"Bye mamma" he said whilst running to the door and going out.

"Bye" she whispered.

Vincent came downstairs his heart churned by seeing the blank face on his wife's once bright face.

"Please do not blame yourself for that, Laura" he said whilst coming near her and pressing her shoulder.

" I am helpless. . . I can't see your sad face, vince. It . .  It hurts my heart."

"Who said I am sad I am fine see" he said while gaving a heart-melting smile.

"But your eyes say other words" she stated while looking dead in his orbs.

His smile dropped.

He cleared his throat while starting," for business I have to go to Paris . . . I may stay there for months so please take care of yourself."

" Where will you stay?" He said while standing up and fixing his tie.

This was her daily routine and Vincent like it so, everytime he left the tie loose so his wife can fix it like how she fix his every silly mistakes.

" I will stay at my old freind's home " he said.

"Does I know him?" She asked.

"Um... Probably, he is Kieran Jones, from back in London" he said.

She surprised him by chuckling which brought a smile on his face.

" Kieran? With whom you drink your father's expensive whiskey and fell it with you people's toilate?!" She said and scrunched her nose at the last words.

"Yes! You remember?! You have a nice brain. Whatever it was his idea though"he said while giggling.

"You said that million times.... Whatever, have packed your bags?" She asked.

"I did" he said.

"When you will go?" She asked.

"Right now! I have a meeting at 9 o' clock" he said in a hurry collect his bag, gave a last kiss and run for the door, "good bye, sweetheart see you soon"

"Yes, good bye! Eat your breakfast don't forget! Oh yea don't forget to video call me after you land or your son will show his anger on me! Keep calling.... And love you" she yelled.

" I will do.... And also I love you too" he yelled back.

Let's see in the trip what will happen to his ' I love you too" words.

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