Disney Land

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5 months later.

"Baby, you will catch cold if you eat that much ice cream" Lauren said to Raphael.

"No, baby, it's okay. In my childhood I use to eat dozen of ice creams. . Let him eat" Vincent said.

"You are really spoiling him" She said.

"He deserves to be spoiled rotten" He said and kissed his cheeks.

Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Mum, Ferris wheel" Raphael said.

"No baby. . First we will go to any other ride" she said.

"Right ? Vince-" she stopped when she can't find him.

Where is he?

"Here we go . . I have brought three tickets of The Ferris wheel"

Lauren gave a 'no one give a damn about me' look.

"Yaaaaaaa! My favourite daddy!" Raphael yelled.

Vincent laughed and lift him up in his arms.

Suddenly his laughter stopped, " wait.. what?! How many daddy do you have?"

Lauren passed a weird look to their son.

"Oh sorry it supposed to be I love you daddy . . You know lots of girlfriend" he said while running his fingers through his hair.

"Really son?" He asked.

"Can we go to the Ferris wheel?" Lauren asked.

"Yes, yes, sorry I forgot" he said and they walk up to the Ferris wheel hand to hand.

Her hands tighten on him "what happened?" He asked.

"The baby kicked" she said.

Vincent eyes widen in happiness.

He kissed her cheek and said, "our baby is growing"

"Yes it is" she said.

They laughed like how teenagers do when they got holiday.

"I love you" he said.

" I love you more" she said.

"I love you most", Raphael said and again they giggled.

From the far of their sight.

The lady forget about the countless kisses she was having from her boyfriend he just busy on throwing daggers through her eyes to the happy family.

She shook her head and mutter in her breath so no one can hear, " it's okay. Ashely Jones could have more rich men in her pants"


Officially 'The End'

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