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After Lunch I came back to my room and opened the phone.

No phone, no message and no emails.

After many years I opened my Instagram account.

Wow! I have 4million  followers.

I liked a picture of Linda Brown, heiress of a famous tea estade.

She was sipping her tea and looking at a tea garden.

I scroll down and welcome with very famous and fimilar faces.


I saw the picture of my son and my wife with a man.

Who is this?!

Oh! He is that fvcking Piano teacher!

What was his name?

Uh, Lucius, Lucifer!

What was it?!

Whatever I don't care!

But what is he doing with my wife!

Oh! There in a a carnival.

I scroll my hand right to left and saw more pictures of them.

Wow! That bastard of a man holding my son and showing him something in which he was looking amused!

Wow! She also took a selfie with him.

Why he side hugging her! And how she allow it?!

They were also in Ferris wheel.

I close my Instagram and call her.


"The person you are calling is busy please try again later" The robotic voice said.

Lauren's p.o.v

I stare at the screen of my phone which was ringing with his  number, I don't have any urge to pick it up! I hate to ignore him! But I am disappointed. . . .
I know I am not glamorous but, do I really deserves this?

Women cloth laying in the floor, stuttering and not picking up the phone is a well enough good sign.

And obviously the girl.

Does he really having one night stands?

I believe I am not beautiful, I am worthless . . .


Still I am his wife . . .

I never think of cheating on him . . . . But he love me so much.

I stare at my baby boy's sleeping form.

He is so cute, I hope he never cheat on his wife, I wish he not be a sex lover like his dad.

Shades of betrayal.King#1| ✓Where stories live. Discover now