Fresh start

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A/N so new story and also I am aware Freddie didn't change his name until he started with the band. So enjoy babes.

*freddie POV

I had just started at my new school this year was my senior. I was determined to make this the best year of my life. I had just gotten up and I was going to go get a shower. After my shower I started to get ready which was more stressful than I thought it would be. I couldn't decide if I wanted to stand out or just dress casual, but hey I'm freddie fucking Mercury why would I choose casual. So I put on some very tight leather jeans, a studded belt, a tight white shirt, my black platform shoes, and some jewelry. 'Perfect, but it needs a bit more' I thought I wondered back to my bathroom and started to straighten my hair and put on some eyeliner, but it still didn't look right to me. "Freddie, dear it is almost time to go, you don't want to be late do you?" I heard my mum shout from the kitchen. "Yes mum I just have to find something quickly I'll be downstairs in, give or take 5 minutes"


"It was just a joke mum" little did she know it was not I seriously might need 5 minutes. Ok so i have to actually go kinda fast now so I sprinted to my room and grabbed floral coat. I then proceeded to sprint down stairs to grab some breakfast also I needed to get my lunch together, by the way this is going I feel as though this will not be such a great day. Any-who once I got all that done I forgot my school bag so I had to sprint up the stairs to grab it I then sprinted back down for what felt like the millionth time. Oh but my hair felt like it was messed up, but before I could go upstairs to check my mum grabbed my by the coat and dragged me out the door.

"Mum I need to check my hair!"

"Freddie dear it looks fine you are just nervous, but there is no reason you should be you are going to fit in just fine doll." My mum cooed, she was right, I was nervous. At that very moment I felt like I could cry because all my emotions just hit me at once. I looked up so no tears would fall out because I will not have my eye liner smudging that would ruin my whole year I worked so hard on it.

When my mum arrived at the school, I had 2 minutes to get to my home room before the bell rang, so I sprinted as fast as I could in my black platform shoes. Which is not very fast in case you didn't know. 'Ok I just have to find where honors physics is' little did I know that would be harder then it sounded. I stopped this nice looking girl who looked quite rushed to ask her if she knew where my class was, and of course she didn't because that is just how my day is going. I could've really cried at this point but I was determined to make it through the day without tears 'you can do this calm down or you'll screw up your fucking eyeliner'. I then decided that I would go down to the office because I could probably get a pass from there and at the rate I was searching for the class there was no way I would find it before the bell room. 'I thought private schools were supposed to be small' I said to myself quite annoyed. I saw another girl and asked her where the office was and she pointed to my left. I walked swiftly in the direction she pointed to until I saw a wooden door the just said "office". 'Wow real extravagant, they outdid themselves' I though I really want to redecorate this whole school it just look extremely fucking sad. I stepped into the door and started to talk to this nice lady and asked her for directions for my class and a pass, because at this point I was beyond late.

I started off to where she told me to go, I got to another plain looking door, to the side of the door there was a little sign that said honors physics Mr. Victor. I knocked because i didn't want to be rude and just step in. A lean and tall man with grey hair opened the door.

"You must be freddie, am I correct?"

"Yeah Freddie Mercury, this is honors physics right, or have I gotten lost in this fucking place again."

"Language, but you are in the right class, now please take a seat so I can continue teaching my class."

'Someone's a sassy snake' I thought to myself. So I did as Mr. Victor said and went into the class room, I looked around and the desks were in pairs. All the other desks were taken except a pair of desks that were empty or so I thought upon closer inspection only one seat was open the other had a bag beside it and a water bottle on top. The water said 'john' on it so at least I knew the name of the person I was sitting by. Once I was settled in I fell asleep because why would I be awake for my first day that makes everything too predictable. I had a good nap for maybe 2 minutes before I got a soft tap on the side. I woke up ready to tussle until I saw a boy with long, wavy, light brown hair, the most beautiful eyes they were a mix of green and grey, and all around just a fucking masterpiece sitting in front of me probably thinking I'm insane because I am staring at him but I gotta take it all in for a moment.

"Erm hi I am freddie fucking Mercury how about you"

"Uh.. well I am.. John nice to meet you" he sounded quite nervous but I don't know why probably because I was wearing some showy clothes but hey I gotta stand out for my first day hoes.

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