Thats one way to find out

412 17 4

freddie pov

We were all sitting at the dinning room table having a nice conversation, it was mostly my mum and dad asking John about himself. I set my eyes on johns hands, he would do this thing where he would hold his hands out when he talked I thought it was precious. I quickly tuned back into the conversation, because I was kinda interested in hearing John talk about himself.
"So what do your parents do John?" My dad asked.
"Well um, my uh. My dad is dead, but my mum works at the grocery store across from our apartment building."

I don't think my parents knew how to react to that because they just kinda stared at him. I was quick to tap my mums side to get her to say something that would lighten the mood. Just as I saw her about to open her mouth John leaned into my ear.
"Where are your, uhm your restroom?" He spoke timidly as if he was embarrassed to ask that.
"Oh they're over here follow me." I replied. Once he walked in I heard the sink start as soon as he got in there which was a little odd, but I just shook it off and walked back over to the table.
"Is he okay he just seems a little upset, and I'm worried because of his little episode this morning?"
"I don't know mum he won't talk to me, but I'm worried about him too."

John came back to the table soon and just sat there, he looked really upset, but I had no clue what to say.
"Bomi dear will you go and fix up the guest room for John?" Oh shit I know that my mom just made him leave for a reason: she's either going to get onto me or she's going to try and force something out of John.
Just then my latter option was proven to be the case.
"John dear are you alright, it's just because this morning you seemed so upset and I'm worried about you?" Damn how did I get trapped in this I felt like I was intruding on this.
"D-do I need to leave?" My mum just looked at John for an answer and he just shook his head.
"Honest it's nothing I was just a little stressed out that's all."
"Just know dear you can always talk to Freddie or I, and you can stay here as long as you want."

My mum left the table shortly after and it just left john and I alone. I showed him to my room and we sat down and chatted awhile about school and stuff until he said something that made my heart sink.
"Oh I forgot to tell you, but I have to be up very early tomorrow, because I have work at 4:30."
"Wait why do you work, and will you be back?"
"Well my mum drinks away our money so I have to support us and of course I'll be back. Also can I borrow some clothes for tomorrow if it's not too much trouble?"
"Of course, but only if I can pick it out." He just giggled, I loved the happy side of John I just felt like I needed to protect him.

Eventually he went off to take a shower and I just laid on the bed staring out the window. I soon heard the shower stop, i then heard him calling my name so I walked over to the bathroom.
"Yes?" I shouted from outside the bathroom.
"Could I please borrow some pajamas?"
"Of course darling."
I speed walked over to my dresser, and just then I had the best idea. I picked out the shortest shorts I had and one of my tightest tank tops for him to wear, he was about to look so precious. Then I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked before I tossed the outfit into the bathroom.

Soon enough he walked out and he was redder than a raspberry. He looked so cute in the little yellow shorts with my black tank top. When he walked out he just stood there playing with his hands and held on of them against his chest before he walked over to the bed and snuggled into me. His hair was getting all over me, so while he was lounging on me I put his hair into two French braids. I am not exaggerating when I say I just wanted to fuck him right then. Soooo I pulled him into a kiss deepened it with every minute that passed. He was making the most beautiful sounds when I started to suck on his neck.

I tried to pull his shorts down so I could see his ass, but he stopped me quickly and looked almost scared so I stopped what I was doing right then. I looked back over at him and he still had his one arm tightly held against his chest I wanted to know why, but I didn't want to upset him more than he already was.
"Did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry if I moved Too fast for you, I mean I did just ask you out today." He just looked up at me with pitiful eyes.
"It's just i-I, just uh please promise me you won't hate me okay?" He just held his pinky out and I shook it with my pinky before kissing his hand.
"Well uh I can... icangetpregnantsoimscaredtodoanything" he mumbled quickly with tears in his eyes.
"Could you repeat that baby I can't hear you when you mumble?" I kissed the top of his head and squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"I can get pregnant so I'm scared to do anything." He said softly and looked down at the floor. I tipped his head up with my thumb and kissed him lovingly.
"I don't give a fuck, I love you for you. Quirks and all. Just know that I won't move any further unless I make sure it's okay with you. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." He just smiled and snuggled closer to me and started to fall asleep.

When he was finally asleep curiosity certainly killed the cat because I gently picked up his arm to see what he was so protective of. When I looked down at his wrist all I could do was cry. Why did he do this to himself he was too perfect to be hurting himself? His wrists looked so painful they had long red slightly swollen cuts along them. I was going to bring it up at some point, the only problem was I just didn't know how.

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