We can work it out

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Um so like yeah hate myself for not updating in forever, but I needed some time to kinda relax for awhile. However I'm back now. :)

Freddie pov

It had been three days since I had last seen John. Monday morning I woke up and he wasn't in the bed but I saw a note on my dresser that said he had work, so I wasn't too worried. That was until he didn't show up at school for three days in a row and I know skipping school wasn't exactly johns cup of tea. That's why I was so worried when I got called up to the office, because my mother was apparently calling the office.

When I got up to the office the secretary immediately handed me the phone with a confused look on her face. I slowly put the phone up to my ear, my hand was shaking slightly because of my nerves.
"Mum? Hello?"
"Freddie. Before I tell you this please just know everything is fine as of right now." Well she really know how to fucking wreck someone's nerves.
"Okay, just tell me please."
"It's John," my heart stopped, "he is in the hospital and well his mother was arrested, I'm going to pick you up so that I can explain everything in further detail and then we can go see John. Bye honey, I'll be there soon." I couldn't have a reaction, in fact I didn't know how to react. Was John Okay? Why was his mom getting arrested?

Not even five minutes later I had finally seen my mums car pull up and I felt a little wave of relief wash over me. I walked over to her car and literally jumped into her car.
"Is he okay? Why was his mom arrested? How long is he going to be in the hospital? Where is he going to stay?" The questions sprayed out of my mouth like an open hose, but I needed to know an answer to all of them.
"One question at a time please dear, but he is okay just beaten and um he tried to kill himself by swallowing loads of pills so he is still very drowsy and weak. His mom was arrested for abusing him and his sister. Long story short John was fired from his job and when he told his mom she beat the living hell out of him, excuse my language. After she beat him he went in his room and um took the pills. I guess his mom went to beating his sister because she called protective services and when they came in to arrest her they found John passed out in his room. We don't know how long he'll be in the hospital, but when he gets out he can stay with us, in the guest bedroom. As for his sister she is staying with one of her friends as well." Damn that hit hard, not only was my boy beaten, but he tried to overdose. I couldn't take it anymore and I finally broke down. I learned the hard way that you can only hold back so many emotions.

On the way to the hospital the car was silent except for the occasion whimper I let out. Eventually we were parked and I practically sprinted into the hospital and may have sassed the secretary, but that's not what matters here. Anyways we made our way to his room with my mum holding me back because apparently "iT iSnT aPpRoPrIaTe" to run through the halls. When we made it to his room I knocked gently, but didn't give anyone time to respond before i rushed through the door. The first thing I saw was John asleep, he was curled up into a little ball and had a glass of water laying beside him obviously spilled, I guess he fell asleep while drinking it. I cooed at the sight because he looked too precious, but I knew why he looked so sleepy and it hurt to think about that.

My mum and I quickly grabbed the water that was spilling onto him and grabbed the mostly wet blanket off of him and replaced it with a dry one. He was still asleep, but the doctors brought in his dinner and said that we should wake him up and try and make him eat. My mum walked over to him and gently shook his shoulder to wake him up.
"John, love wake up its time for dinner darling." 
He started to rustle a little under the covers before his eyes fluttered open and for once there was no flint of joy to be seen in them, they were totally clouded over with sadness.

He looked really confused for a second but soon remembered. My mum sat in a chair next to him trying to get him to eat, but he didn't want that, it looked like he didn't even want to be awake. He just looked so sad, but he was trying to stay strong I guess, he was always a strong boy, but sometimes you need to let yourself be weak. I decided it would do some good for me to try and talk him into eating or at least drinking something.
"Darling, I love you and you need to eat or at least drink something. Even if it's not for yourself please just do it for me." I gave him a loving smile and just for a second I swear I could see a sparkle in his eyes.
Eventually I talked him into eating a cracker and drinking a few sips of water, it wasn't much but it was a lot from his point of view.

Around eight or nine my mum had to grab her and I some clothes from our house, so I was left to help John. He was asleep for most of the time, but I heard him starting to stretch so I looked over to see what he was doing and sure enough he was stretching his arms. I quickly made my way over to his bed and put his arm down before he ripped his IV out which would be no good since I fucking hate blood.
"Are you alright dearest?" I said softly and he looked up at me.
"Uh yeah, but I could Uh use the restroom. Can you help me up please? I can walk I just need help getting up and can you um help pushing my IV as well?"
"Of course darling, are you sure you don't want me to go in there with you?" I wasn't trying to fuck him or anything I just really didn't want him to pass out or something and me not know it. The comment however seemed to make him uncomfortable since he blushed a dark red, I thought it was quite precious.
"No I'm uh, I'm good but thanks for offering."

I carefully helped him up and held onto his waist so that he didn't fall over, and with my other hand I pushed his IV thing. I really felt uncomfortable leaving him in the bathroom by himself seeing that he could barely stand up without swaying back and forth, but he didn't want me in there with him so I respected that. I led him into the bathroom and then waited outside for him. When he was finished I led him back to his bed and kissed him goodnight.

This was going to be a long recovery.

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