Just the way i like it

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*freddie pov

Once the bell rang John showed me to my next class because he had the same class next. I walked behind him so I could look at his ass 'I'd pound that' I thought in my head. I began walking faster so I would be beside him because if I was behind him much longer I would've gotten hard and it would be very visible through my tight leather pants.

Once we arrive at the classroom I picked a seat near the back so I could fall asleep without being caught. To my surprise John chose the seat right next to me, I thought he had better people to sit by but I guess he didn't. About five minutes into the class I was fast asleep. I felt a harsh tap on my shoulder, I looked up expecting it to be John. When I opened my eyes i saw it was the teacher 'damn I could get away with so much more at my old school' I thought.

"Mr. Mercury is there a reason you're asleep!?"

"Well I was kinda fucking tired ya know"

"Language!!! If you want to have that much snark with me again then you will be sitting in the principals office. Now would you please stay awake because your parents actually pay for you to be here so it's a waste if you are asleep!"

"Ok" I said blandly because I did not feel like explaining to my mum why I got a detention on the first day of school. The teacher walked away, I looked over at John and he had an apologetic look in his eyes like he felt bad for me. 'Damn he is such a good boy I might have to teach him a thing or two about trouble' I thought naughtily. I looked back up towards the front of the room and saw that the teacher was holding up worksheets explaining what we need to do, I could already tell that this was going to be my least favorite class. When I got the paper I had no idea what to do because you know I was asleep. I turned to John to ask him about it.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck we're supposed to be doing with this"

"Um well we're in art class right now so she said you just need to draw something just to show her what your like" he still had a little nervousness in his voice I was determined to get rid of that soon.

"Oh well I guess that makes sense" I chuckled and John smiled at me he had the cutest smile. Oh and don't get me started in the little fucking gap between his front teeth, it is so god damn cute!

"Yeah, what are you gonna draw?"

"I think I'm gonna draw a cat, because they are the superior animal. How about you?"

"Well I was gonna draw a uh cabin"

"Classy" we started to work on our so called 'assignment'. I would take breaks to look at John, he was so beautiful I loved it. At one point I needed to erase something, so I threw my eraser into my bag so I could ask John for one.

"John darling can I borrow you eraser"

"Uh...yeah sure, yeah." I gave him no time to grab it, I stood up and leaned over him, I stroked his arm as I grabbed it. When I sat back down he was turned the other way, he turned back for a second and I saw that he was the shade of a cranberry he was so precious! I pulled same little stunt when I returned the eraser, except this time I left my hand on his arm for a good five seconds, until our teacher so rudely interrupted us.

"Freddie sit down and please keep your hands to yourself especially when it comes to a boy!" Oh that homophobic bitch has had it now.

"Oh and why is that you said especially when it comes to a boy what are you meaning, do you have a problem with that? Huh?"

"You don't see a problem? Gay marriage isn't even legal so why would I not have a problem!?"

As soon as that came out of her mouth, all I could do was make a shocked and offended face. I looked over at John and he was motioning for me to sit down, he's lucky he's cute because I sat down back beside him. I was so fucking mad at her thank God the bell rang just then because I might've pimp slapped the hoe.

The next few classes were more or less boring because the teachers had seating charts, and of course they sat John at the other side of the room. Soon enough lunch came round and I found John again.

"So where does the line start"

"Erm over there" he pointed "let me just bring you"

"I won't fight with that" I smirked. He put his hand around my forearm and guided me to the line. 'I gotta ask him for directions more often' I thought to myself. When we got to the line his hand was still on my arm and I was definitely not going to bring it up because I was really enjoying this. His hand was so warm and he was just looking around the lunch room probably for a seat, every time he turned his head his hair swayed, I REALLY like him. I was dragged out of my thoughts when the lunch lady cleared her throat to catch my attention, John moved his hand when she did that. I grabbed my food and followed John to an empty table he sat beside me instead of in front of me, I like it that way because he was closer.

We finished eating and I noticed that we still have about 20 minutes left for lunch. So I had time to try John. I tapped his shoulder and he turned his head to look at me.

"Hey John?"


"Where are the bathrooms at?"

"Over there, like right beside the vending machines"

"Can you take me there?" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, I don't see why not."

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