Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After the newlyweds said they’re goodbyes and left to catch their flight. I took a bottle of champagne and two wine glasses back to my room with me. If Ava is my twin-soul then we’re going to celebrate.

I loosened my tie, kicked off my shoes and sat on the bed, waiting for her to knock. Feeling very self-conscious, I sprayed myself and brushed my teeth again. I sat back on the bed and after what seemed like forever, there was the knock I had been waiting for.

As I walked to the door, a part of me doubted that it was even her knocking. But when I opened the door, I was not disappointed. There in the doorway stood the love of my life.

‘Are you going to invite me in or are we doing this in the hall?’ She asked, smiling out of amusement at me.

‘Oh, yeah,’ I said, feeling a little embarrassed, ‘come on in.’

‘Nice room,’ she commented as she looked around. She sat on my bed, ‘this is soft.’ She laid back and stretched out whilst sighing. ‘I could get used to this bed after a hard day’s work.’

She was teasing me, and we both knew that I was falling for it. ‘What was that about earlier?’ I asked. ‘Are you my twin-soul?’

Ava stood back up and stood inches away from me. ‘I don’t know. I was told that twin-souls don’t exist. And the ones that claim they have found each other are the angels that are so desperate that they conspire with another desperate angel and pretend to be each other’s twin-souls.’

‘Well...’ I said a little surprised by that answer, ‘there’s only one way to test it.’ I stepped closer to her. ‘Thing is...we didn’t test it for long enough.’

Ava closed my bedroom door. ‘No, we didn’t...’ She placed her foot up on the bed, ‘sorry, I’ve got to take these things off.’ She lifted up her dress to her mid-thigh to untie her shoes. ‘That’s better,’ she said once she let her shoes fall to the floor.

I don’t know what possessed me, but when she stood facing me again, I abruptly pulled her closer to me. My hand traced her side and stopped at her hip. ‘Your it real?’

‘Why don’t you see for yourself?’ She said, her face containing no expression.

I brushed her hair off of her shoulder. ‘Have you ever...?’ I trailed off, embarrassed for asking such a personal question.

‘No, I haven’t,’ she said, looking at the floor, ‘but when I’m around you...’ Ava didn’t finish and she didn’t need to. I knew exactly how she felt.

Pulling her even closer to me, I lowered my lips on to hers. I was always one to roll with punches and this was one that I was more than willing to roll with. I wanted to see where it’d land us both. Ava took off my tie and I took that as permission to unzip her dress. As I slid the zipper down her back, she gently unbuttoned my shirt.

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