Part 2

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The drive from Quinter to Chicago went by way to fast. Katie's stomach dropped as she headed across the bridge by Buffalo Bill Park and headed up Main Street from the south. Chicago still looked the same. People still wandered about Main Street like ants going about their business.

Katie shook her head as she turned left at the banks and headed west on Sheridan Avenue towards the Catholic Cemetery. A line of houses sat on the north side of the road. This would be the first time that she would see her parents' new house. They had built it after Katie had graduated from high school. The only reason they had moved was so that Katie's father could just walk across the street to go golfing instead of drive across town.

Katie pulled into the drive and was surprised to find that she liked the house which reminded her of her Grandparents' barn. The drive was full of vehicles and they were nice vehicles too. Katie rolled her eyes. Of course her parents would splurge on vehicles for their kids, all of their kids except for Katie and maybe Jackie. Katie knew that Jackie would refuse a new vehicle unless all of her siblings got one.

Rocks crunched under Katie's tires as she pulled off to the side so that the driveway was clear. Titan woke up and stretched. Katie undid her seat belt and climbed out. Titan hopped out when she opened the back door for him.


Katie looked around to see Jackie standing on the porch waving at her. Katie waved back. She couldn't help but be a little excited to see her only sister. Katie shut the door before she moved around to open the trunk. She had to brace herself when Jackie threw her arms around her and hugged her from behind.

"I'm so glad you're here Katie." Jackie whispered fervently in her sister's ear. "I've missed you."

Katie twisted in her sister's grasp so that she could hug her back. "You could have always visited me you know."

Jackie grinned at her sheepishly. "I know, but you know how Mom and Dad are."

Katie snorted and rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me."

Jackie's grin faded. "Will you please tell me what's wrong?"

"Katie? Is that you?"

Both Jackie and Katie turned to the house where their Mother stood on the porch. Their Dad stood with his arms wrapped around their Mother's waist. All three of Katie's brothers stood around her parents. It was enough to give Katie an instant headache and extreme weariness.

Katie gave a weary sigh. "Let's get this over with." Katie turned and whistled to Titan who was busy nosing around the ground. "Come on Titan. You can play in the grass later."

Katie had to suffer through hugs and kisses from the rest of her family. Katie was surprised to find out that her brothers had girlfriends and that each one was there to meet her. Jackie's boyfriend was there and he seemed to be a nice chap. Katie could see herself getting along with him. Her brothers' girlfriends on the other hand would take some getting used to.

"It's so good to finally have you home Katie."

Katie grunted as she chased her food around on her plate with her fork a few hours later at supper. Her Mother had purposefully fixed her oldest brother's favorite meal of spaghetti with too much sauce, garlic bread, and canned corn. Katie liked all of those foods, but not the way her Mother fixed them. They were blander than bland. Katie wished her Mother had fixed her favorite which was homemade fried chicken made in a cast iron skillet with real mashed potatoes and gravy.

"How long are you staying?"

Katie looked up at her Dad's question and shrugged. "A week. I have other engagements that I am waiting to hear back from. I could be here longer or I could leave in two days."

"I wish you'd stay longer."

Katie hid her grimace at Jackie's words. She knew that Jackie missed her and wanted her back, but Katie wasn't sure if she could come back for an extended amount of time.

"I don't know Jackie. We'll see what happens."

Her brother Jack's girlfriend, Heather, suddenly spoke up. "I know what we could do." She looked at everyone excitedly before she pinned Katie with one of those smiles that Katie hated. It was the smile someone gives when they think they have the best idea ever thought of.

"Katie's single and there are plenty of single men in town she's never met. We could find her a man and then she'd stay longer."

Katie couldn't help the grimace that stretched across her face. "I already have a boyfriend."

"You do." Jackie asked her in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Katie shrugged. "It slipped my mind."

Heather crossed her arms looking deflated. Katie's Mom and Dad seemed surprised.

"What's his name?" Her Mother asked.

Katie could only think of one name that she could give them. It was the name of her best friend and she knew that he would help her out.

"Achilles Parthenopaeus."

"What is that?" Katie's next to youngest brother, Ricky, asked. "Greek?"

A small smile crossed Katie's face. "Yes. Would you like to meet him?"

Her family jumped at the chance and Katie hid a smile. Things would go much easier if she had her best friend with her.

"I'll call him later and see if he's available to come out."

Katie's Dad looked contemplative. "What does he do for a living?"

"He's an entrepreneur who has a hand in his family's business."

"What business is that?"

Katie waned to roll her eyes, but she refrained. "Book binding and repair. Achilles helps his family, but he has opened several publishing houses around the world and they have sold some best sellers." Katie held her hand up to forestall the next question. "I am not sure of which best sellers those are, but I'm sure Achilles would know and would gladly tell you if you ask him."

"I would like to meet this young man." Katie's Mother smiled at her. "This is the first time you've ever brought a man home."

There was a reason for that, but Katie didn't want to get into an argument with her family. Instead, Katie just shrugged. "I've never had a reason to. Achilles and I are pretty serious."

Talk around the table stayed on the subject of Achilles for far longer than Katie wanted it too. She was going to be sure to keep Achilles away from her brother Johnson's girlfriend. She was asking too many questions and seemed too curious about him.

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