Part 7

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"How long are you going to be gone?"

Katie looked up to find Jackie leaning around the door jamb to Katie's too small bedroom. Katie shrugged as she went back to packing up her clothes.

"A week, maybe more. You know how amazing Council Grove is. Achilles loves history and he has wanted to visit some historical sites in America with me for the past few years." Katie zipped shut her suitcase and dusted her hands off. "I've visited plenty of historical sites with Achilles when we've gone over to Greece. He's curious as to what our history looks like."

Jackie pouted from the doorway. "I wish I could go with you."

Katie moved over so that she could hug her sister. "I know. Try to talk some sense into our family please. Remind them that I am only here because of you."

"I will," Jackie said as she pulled away from Katie. "Be sure to bring me something amazing. I need something new to add to my collection of gifts you've given me from your trips."

Katie laughed. "I'll be sure to do that."

Achilles walked in at that moment. He gave the two sisters a smile before he picked up Katie's suitcase. "Are you ready to go?"

Katie smiled as she hugged Jackie again. "I'm more than ready."

Jackie followed Katie and Achilles out to Katie's car. Jackie watched them as Achilles loaded Katie's suitcase into the trunk and closed the hood. Achilles slid smoothly into the driver's seat. Katie rolled her eyes at Jackie as she climbed into the passenger seat with a wave goodbye.

Katie dozed on the way to Council Grove. Achilles would wake her at certain points to see if he needed to do anything. Katie stayed awake once they turned south off of I-70 at the Junction City exit. Katie spent the next hour chatting to Achilles about what they were going to be doing in Council Grove.

Katie sat forward in her seat as they drove into Council Grove. It looked just as she remembered it. The Cottage House was still easy to find and check in was a breeze. Katie led the way to the staircase that led to the second floor. Their room was 205, the Honeymoon Suite. It had windows that look out onto the street and a Queen sized bed with a beautiful blue bedspread on it. A sitting room was attached the main room with a handsome old fashioned high backed loveseat. Katie could see another door that more than likely led to the bathroom while a table and chairs sat in front of a bay window.

"I hope this room has a claw footed tub."

Achilles looked up from where he had deposited their luggage. "That sounds interesting."

"Maybe we can take a bath together."

"Are you sure you wouldn't want to take another shower together?"

Katie's cheeks grew warm at Achilles' words. "I'd love too, but if we do have a claw footed tub, then the shower curtain is on a metal ring which isn't quite big enough for one person let alone two."

Achilles walked to the bathroom and peeked in. "It looks like we're in luck." He stepped back out and gave Katie a thumbs up. "You have your tub."

Katie clapped her hands. "Awesome."

"Shall we break in the bed?"

The bed looked inviting and Katie wanted nothing more that to experience Achilles' body against hers again. The shower that they had taken together was nothing but a prelude and Katie wanted to know what the main event would be like.

Katie's stomach gurgled making her sigh. "Can we get some food first? I'm starving."

Laughter escaped Achilles. "Food is always a must." Achilles opened the door and motioned for Katie to lead the way. "Where do you suggest we eat?"

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