Part 14

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Katie's family couldn't dampen her happiness as she ate supper with them. Grandmother had indeed kept her family preoccupied. They didn't even know that Achilles and Katie had disappeared. Well, Jackie and Angelo did, but they had remained quiet.

The rest of Achilles big family was currently away and that was fine with Katie. She knew how her family was and it was good that they only had to deal with Grandmother at the moment.

Supper was a lively affair and the help showed Katie's family to their rooms once the meal was done with. Everyone was tired from the plane ride and then the extra long tour Grandmother had taken them on.

Achilles tucked Katie's arm through his own as he held his other arm out to his Grandmother. She gave Achilles a fond smile as she took his arm. Grandmother patted his arm affectionately as Achilles led them to her personal sitting room.

Katie inhaled deeply as they set foot in Grandmother's sitting room. It always smelled like cinnamon and rosemary. Tapestries that Grandmother's great-grandmother had made hung on the walls. The furniture was old, but well taken care of and still as sturdy as the day it was made. The sounds of nature filtered in through the open window and steam curled up from the spout of a tea pot that a servant must have brought in.

"Sit down," Grandmother said as she moved to start pouring tea. "I want to hear the story that I know is hidden behind the fact that the two of you are now dating."

Katie sat down and ran her fingers over the decorative arm of the chair she was in. Achilles settled comfortably in his before he captured Katie's hand. Katie smiled at him before she freed her hand so that she could accept the dainty looking, but sturdy tea cup and saucer that Grandmother handed her.

Katie inhaled the aroma of peppermint and smiled happily at Grandmother. "You remembered that I love peppermint tea."

"You are like a granddaughter to me Katie. I always remember what my family likes or dislikes."

Katie inhaled the wonder scent again before she started to tell the story. "You know how I never spoke of my family."

Grandmother paused with her cup halfway to her mouth. Her warm eyes met Katie's before she nodded. "I remember."

"Well, there's a reason I never spoke of them. They are very conceited. I am the eldest and yet I am the least liked out of my siblings. My three brothers are self entitled assholes who can get away with anything. Their girlfriends are the same. Jackie is more like me in the fact that she is the least favored. She puts up with our parents and goes with the flow in order not to ruffle any feathers even thought she is treated little better than I am."

"Were you mistreated?"

Katie shook her head as she brought her teacup to her mouth. "I was a strong headed child that always went my own way." Katie took a sip of her too hot tea. "That's the only reason I can think that I am the least favored. I never put up with their bullshit."

Grandmother looked confused. "How does that tie in with the two of you finally dating?"

"I haven't been home since I graduated from high school. My family has tried to get me to come back. I finally decided to come back because I missed Jackie. That's the only reason I went home. As soon as I got home, I was besieged upon by my brothers' girlfriends' who decided that there were plenty of available men in town and that I might stay longer if I had a boyfriend."

Achilles spoke up. "Katie called me to see if I would come and pretend to be her boyfriend."

"Are you still pretending?"

Katie blushed as she smiled brightly at Grandmother. "No. We are dating. It turns out that we both have been wanting to date the other, but neither one of us spoke up because we didn't want to ruin our friendship."

Grandmother nodded in understanding. "I am glad that the two of you finally aired your feelings to each other. I have been telling Achilles since he first brought you here, that he needed to snap you up before someone else caught your attention."

Katie looked over at Achilles who was completely relaxed. She looked back at Grandmother. "I don't believe anyone else would have grabbed my attention. I mean just look at Achilles. How can I turn my back on that?"

Achilles snorted while Grandmother hid a giggle. "I agree with you. My grandson is handsome, but then so is all of my family. You will fit in lovely here Katie."

"Thank you, but my family might pose a problem when they realize how wealthy the Parthenopaeus really is."

"It's happened before and we know how to deal with people like them. You let me worry about them. All I want you to do is enjoy your time here."

Katie nodded. "I will Grandmother and thank you."

Grandmother laughed joyously. "You welcome child and I hope that Achilles makes you a permanent fixture in his life."

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