Part 1 message from the future

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Tai ran as fast as he could to izzy's apartment, while he was happy to see everyone again, he was also a bit anxious to see his former childhood best friend, Sora Takenouchi.
Ever since Sora and Matt had started dating, Tai had tried his best to Distance himself from sora, she must have tried to call him a million times to hang out as they used too but tai never picked up.
He had tried dating other girls like Meiko Mochizuki for one but this relationship hadn't really worked out.
Izzy hadn't told him what the problem was, only that he had to come to his apartment asap.

Tai ran up the stairs and he and Agumon entered the apartment to see everyone else was already there.

" Oh, good tai, your here," Izzy said as he greeted his best friend.

" Sorry im late, my Business School classes ran long."

" That's ok Tai, we only arrived here a few minutes before you did."

Tai recognized the Voice, it was sora.
He didn't really respond to her but if he had turned to see her, he would have seen the look of disappointment on her face.

" A few hours ago a reserved a special message from gennai," Izzy said.

" well, what does it say?" Yolei asked.

" It's better if I show you."

Izzy then typed a few keys on his computer and a hologram of gennai appeared in the center of the room.

" Greeting Digidestend, I fear I grave news for all of you. In the very distant future when your children take over the mantle of Digidestened, I fear there will be greater perils than you have ever faced that your children must bear for not only will their time see the birth of the son of myotismon but also The Rebirth of the Dark Masters, but neither of these reasons is why I have contacted you in the past, your children, the future digidestined have been captured by Shogun geckomon's cousin, Boss Geckomon, the most powerful and deadly Yakuza boss in all of the digital world, he has captured all but one of your children and Brainwashed them into becoming his servants, the Digital world is slowly becoming the new domain of the reborn Dark Masters and your children are the only ones who can give the digital world any hope."

" do we help?" Davis asked.

" That's not the question we should be asking, how could The dark masters come back, how could Myotismon have a son, how could...."

" Matt, for once shut up!"

Everyone was surprised to here sora say this, even tai was surprised.

" In order to free your children from Boss Geckomon's grasp, you must Put yourselves in with Boss Geckomon's Entourage, I will give you all disguises for you to fit in and luck for you all humans are not rare since in the future there are a lot more humans in the digital world than in your time, once you come to the future, Davis's former Digimon partner veemon and a Patamon will help you along the way.

" what do you mean former?" Davis asked.

" In the future Davis, once you grow to adulthood your partner veemon will find another human tamer, it will be one of Izzy's Sons. Before you enter boss Geckomon's palace, I will tell you who your children are and how you can help save them."

The hologram than ended.

Tai was a bit confused by all the things he had just heard but he then realized that the others were probably confused as well, after all, how would a regular person react to hearing that your future child was in trouble buy these thoughts were interrupted by a family voice.

" tai can we talk?" Sora asked.

" sure sor, what's up."

" Tai, why have you been avoiding me, iv been trying to call you for weeks and my calls just keep going to voice mail."