Chapter IV: Hangovers

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The group woke up around the same time, but Louis and Marlon were the first ones awake. They woke the others up with their girl-ish giggles. The two boys got groans from everyone else, not wanting to be up that early, even though it was almost the afternoon.

Brody rubbed her eyes some, moving her head off of Marlon's chest to give him a glare. "Really, do you boys ever know when to hush?" She gave an eyeroll as she laid her head back in the position it was previously in.

Slowly, everyone began waking up, stretching and all definitely feeling the bad side effects of the alcohol. "Fuck, it's dark but it feels so damn bright." Mitch sighed out some, pulling the small blanket he had over his face.

"Rise and shine girls and boys!" Louis shouted some, only to be hushed by the group. Louis was one of the lucky people who didn't ever really have super bad headaches and drowsiness after getting drunk, but he knew how the others felt. "Haha, sorry, but damn, I am starving..." He whined some. Omar had to leave right before they started drinking and playing truth or dare, which sucked ass. "I wish Omar was here because he would make some bomb ass food."

Violet had moved a ton while she slept, going from the opposite side of Clementine to having her head resting on her lower abdomen. She sat up some, rubbing her eyes before hearing the giggles from some of the group.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Louis grinned some, only gaining a death glare at his super funny joke. "How was cuddling lil Clem?" He teased some, "I mean I get the kiss and all but damn, you two crazy teens calm it over there." Louis said, making an old man voice towards the end of his sentence.

Violet moved back, leaning back against the love-seat. "Do you realize how dramatic you are sometimes? I moved while sleeping I guess, but I was also drunk, remember?" She huffed out, cocking an eyebrow. Violet definitely hadn't forgotten the encounter her and the other girl had in the bathroom, but she didn't want to make it obvious.

Louis shrugged some, believing Violet since she proved him wrong. He watched as Vi got up and went to the fridge to get her "hangover cure." She pulled out a small container with cubes of watermelon in it. For some reason it helped her, but she never shared it with anyone. She will kill any person who tries to take it from her, no exaggeration there.

Violet turned around to see Clementine sitting up, holding her head. Her hair was a mess, but it was also kind of cute. However, Clementine removed the two hair ties that tied her hair into short pigtails. Violet hadn't seen her with her hair down before and blushed at how beautiful she was. "Damn, I thought those were like glued in or something," she smiled some, pointing at her hair bands before grabbing a fork to eat her cubes of watermelon with.

Clementine rolled her eyes some, "Yeah, I love putting glue in my hair, you should try it because its soooo fun." She laughed some as Violet sat next to her. "Watermelon?" She cocked an eyebrow as Ruby chimed in, "Yeah, uh, don't touch it. Vi'll kill yah." Ruby said as a warning to Clementine before she even attempted to snag a piece.

"Damn right." Violet warned to the rest of the group.

They all made meaningless conversation about how fun last night was. They all agreed that none of the answers were to be taken seriously, but Violet and Clementine knew otherwise. Clementine honestly didn't know what came over her yesterday. It was almost like an entity came over her making her thoughts become reality. Even with this, she meant everything she said and loved the interactions between her and the watermelon-eating female. Violet resituated the blanket over her lap, getting a bit cold. She felt the other slide slightly close to her and gave a small smile over it.

Louis stood up some. "Some soothing music will help us get over this!" He said, sounding determined. The group knew that they couldn't even tell him no because he would go against what they wanted anyhow. He began to play a piece that he had wrote himself. Even though it was a bit loud, it was also pretty soothing. Most of the group just shut their eyes and listened.

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