CH 2: its played out, ive moved on, get fucked up.

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brendon's POV
tw// mentions of past abuse

i woke up with a start. a dull pain on my arm and screeching hangover. goddamnit, its always fun going out, but going in sucks. i went to the bathroom, the door being locked.

"babe? dallon. open up i gotta go to the restroom." i called out lightly, trying not to worsen my headache. i hear a whimper from the other side and the door clicking, with some shuffling.

i saw my baby, my precious boyfriend with tear stained cheeks, puffy eyes, one black eye, and a red handprint on his face, and a handprint on his left thigh (since he fell asleep in boxers), all from me.

"b-babe. i, i am so sorry. i can't even begin-" he cuts me off with a quiet sniffle and a hug. my headache was the least of my worries right now, my crying boyfriend was more important. way more important.

"please, please don't get that drunk again. please stop doing drugs. p-please brenny?" he whispers, voice still cracking on every syllable. i sniffle a bit, hugging him tighter.

"i promise baby. i'll try to stop partying and going out if it makes you fee better." i mumble.

"p-pink-pinky promise?" he asks. its childish, but its cute. god i love this man. i link my pinky with his and whisper a pinky promise to him.

i kiss his nose and hug him again. he smiles a tiny bit. im pretty sure he thinks i didn't notice it, but i love seeing him smile.

"come on babe" i murmur, leading him to the couch. we sit together, him in my lap, cuddling. even if he's 6'3", he still seems so small in my arms.

i don't know how he does it, but he just seem shorter than me and tinier than me somehow, even when were standing next to each other.

"b-den?" dallon asked me

"yes my love?" i replied. he looked down at his feet and got his phone out before answering me.

"i, uh, i videotaped you drunk last night, and i was
go-going to show it to your therapist. b-but i, uh, trust you that you won't start drinking again."

he stuttered, showing me the video. i gawked at myself. i just want dallon to punch me a thousand times. he doesn't deserve me being this cruel to him.

he deserves quite the opposite. he deserves the best things in the world. the nicest guy, the best house, the best clothes, everything.

all he has is a sad excuse of a boyfriend -even if you can call me one- and not the greatest of things. he's gotten everything himself, all i've done is get in the way of that.

the day moves on slowly, and by the time we're both forgetting last night, i get a call from a friend about a new bar that opened up a month ago (a/n: it's pete wentz)

"dude, a new bar opened up. wanna get messed bad like last night?" pete slurs from the other side. it sounds like he's already drunk, he just wants someone to do stupid shit with him.

"nah man, still feeling pretty shitty from last night dude." i lie. my head is completely fine, i just don't want to scare dallon. he's so nice, he doesn't deserve such a shitty boyfriend.

"come on brendon. a hangover hasn't stopped you before. now come over in five minutes because i don't know where you live" i look down at dallon and back at the wall. i kiss dallon's head and replied.

"no peter. go fuck mikey or patrick or whoever in the fuck you're dating. i don't feel like getting stupidly wasted tonight, okay!" i yelled back, hanging up. i turned do not disturb on and hugged dallon even tighter. he was shaking lightly.

"sorry for yelling baby boy. drunk pete is very very stupid and a bit of an a-hole." i whisper into his hair, kissing his head after.

"i'm gonna hop in the shower bren, ok?" dallon whispers, getting up.

"'kay love" I reply, smiling. he leaves the room, my smile fading. i hear the shower turn on and light humming. i headed to the bedroom to get ready. hopefully he's happy, because i'm trying to be happy.

a/n: hi guys

remember to say safe loves

Word count: 707

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