CH 4: burn your biographies, rewrite your history

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brendon's POV
tw// for assualt and mentions of self harm
be happy :)

i was going over to pete's house. i was cutting him out of my life because he was my drug dealer. i didn't need that shit anymore. i knocked on his door and  waited.

i could here shuffling and the door creaking open.
"little late asshole. and why'd you fucking hang up on my like that!" pete yells. he wreaks of rough sex, and the guy behind him (mikey) can prove it.

"lose my number peter." i reply calmly. mikey looks shocked. he knows pete is my dealer and party mate, and never expected me to do this. i honestly can't believe pete hasn't gotten mikey into drugs. he is soon though probably.

"why? is your "oh so precious dallon" worried for you? like he has for all these years! come on, i can show you my better safe with more stuff right now. don't be a little bitch like you were last night" he bribes. i decline, and slap his hand out of mine.

he punches me in the face out of no where, and i stumble back. i hold my jaw in my hands and look at him, then to mikey, then back at him. he kicks me in the leg, which almost makes me lose balance, but i step backwards. i lean forward and grab the door handle. he grips my arm and bites it.

"ow! get off of me fucker!" i yell as i shake my arm to get him off. mikey's crying behind him and pete doesn't even notice.

"how delusional and psychotic are you peter! your boyfriend is in hysterics behind you, and you're taking out all of you're pent up sex drive and anger on me and him! i can fucking tell you're taking it out on him! so get the fuck off of me, learn some common sense, and comfort your boyfriend!" i yell.

i got him off of me and slammed the door, running to my (dallon's) car. i got in, buckled up, turned the engine on, and drove off. i got home in 30 or so minutes to dallon on his phone, looking at it frantically. i said i'd be back in less than thirty, and it's been 45.

he heard the door open and cowered on the couch.
"babe it's only me, bren, calm down lovely" i call out, him seeing me now. he relaxes, but sniffles.

"i know i said i'd be back in less than half an hour, but pete was being a meanie." i told him. he sniffles again, now looking at me and gasping.

i had a bloody nose - which i now just noticed - a red handprint on my jaw, a bite mark on my left arm, and a limp to my walk. dally got up and walked to me, hugging me oh so gently, knowing that i would be in pain no matter how he hugged me.

i winced at his hands on my arms, inspecting my recent cuts and the bite from pete. he dragged me to the bathroom and got the first aid kit out.

i looked at him and back at the box. i smiled at him nervously. i hated when he would clean any type of scar on me.

he was so careful yet he looked so sad that i did this. i always regretted self harming when he would get sad. he shook his head and got some peroxide, gauze wrap, medical tape, and some bandaids out. he started wiping at the bite mark, and god did it fucking hurt.

"oww." i let out quietly. i hoped he didn't hear it. this is the first time i've ever shown pain when he's cleaning my cuts. it would be embarrassing for the tough one to be hurt.

"i'm so sorry baby. they have to get cleaned though. if there were another, less painful way to clean your cuts i would do it" he cooed.

"we wouldn't be doing this if my parents weren't homophobic assholes who abused me and encouraged me to fucking kill my self and my organs, and fuck up my brain." i retorted.

he sighed. he knew i was still on bad terms with my parents, since they physically and verbally abused me, and encouraged me to do xanies, cocaine, meth, and even heroin. plus weed and a shit load of alcohol, plus opioids and narcotics.

i got away from them before they could actually forcefully give me meth, heroin, narcotics, and xanies. but i was already deep into weed, cocaine, alcohol and ecstasy.

i ran away with my ex-boyfriend, brent wilson, at 18 and was hopping in and out of hotels weekly. thats how i lived for three years until we broke up because he went to jail for drug dealing.

i then met pete at a bar (since i had just gotten a job and wanted to celebrate) and had a one night stand with him.

a few months later i got a phone and we ran into each other at a gas station. we started hanging out more and then it turned into friends.

he would take me to clubs and bars downtown, and host parties almost every night. invite all his friends, invite the whole neighborhood, invite the devil if he could. but then, i met dallon after a year of knowing pete.

dallon was my everything. he helped me figure out what i was doing constantly wasn't good. he helped me get sober and clean for three years until we were on a date, and we bumped into his ex-girlfriend, breezy. she was a heroin and meth addict, and got me into drugs and alcohol again.

once dallon found out, i think that broke all trust he had in me to get better. i didn't want to lose him, so i tried staying clean and sober, but that only lasted around five or so months before pete had contacted me again. and that led to here, a year and half later, dallon cleaning a bite mark from pete.

"s-stop babe. hurts" i whimper. he looks at me sadly and reaches up to kiss me. he smiles into the kiss and then finishes wrapping my bite mark.

he then tackles my bloody nose, which was easy. then my cuts, which was my least favorite.

he started with my left thigh. there was one cut that looked almost infected, but i don't know. by the time he was done with my left thigh, i was quietly sniffling.

i haven't let him clean all my cuts in about a year or so. i cried so hard when he did. he thought i was clean, and that i was just doing drugs and alcohol. but i wasn't, and he almost broke down, too.

"babe, baby. i'm done cleaning your cuts, dry those tears now honey." he cooed. i had tuned out so much, i didn't even notice i was crying, hard. that's a first. i sighed and hiccuped. he dried my face and kissed my nose, making me smile.

a/n: hey guys ! stay loved
word count: 1197

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