"I see you're up."

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It was raining today. The noise of my brothers band practicing loudly woke me up. Ugh they're so annoying, I love them and everything but a girl needs her beauty sleep!

I combed my hair down, a few curls were still in place from yesterday, so I left my hair down and threw on some comfy blue jeans and my jumper that no one on the 'outside' saw me wear and headed downstairs.

Trudging down the stairs I made my way through the kitchen and opened the door towards the garage. My ears were bursting. I rubbed any sleep off my eyes and face, knowing I'd get teased for looking like a troll.

Opening the door my heart skipped a beat.

It wasn't the boys, it was only one of them sat there. The one that made me smile without knowing, the one who was funny without even trying, the one who I-

"Oh hey, I see you're up." He smiled looking up from the guitar. "Uh yeah, I didn't know you played." I said, really awkwardly, oh god. "Oh yeah, one of my many talents," he joked "Ahh, yeah I've been trying something but- oh sorry, you probably wanted something, what was it?" He said, looking into my eyes, why can't he just be really ugly ugh. "It's uh nothing no, sorry I just wanted to talk to Michael, where are the others?"

"Oh right," he looked a little disappointed "they went to go get some breakfast shopping."

"Let me guess what you asked for, vegemite?" I joked. His shy smile grew on his face. "Of course, haha."

"Did he say he was getting anything else?"

"Actually, maybe he did mention something.."

I gasped, "He's making pancakes?!"

Ashton laughed, "Maybe.." we both laughed. Michael is a great brother, he always does little things that make him so amazing, and making Sunday morning pancakes was definitely one of them!

We both joked about that one time he tried to flip the pancake and it ended up on the floor. He looked into my eyes, which caused me to stop laughing, and he traced his thumb over the top of my left cheek. They must be so bright red, oh gosh. He picked an eyelash from under my eye "Got it." He said in a shaky voice, was he nervous..?

From the moment his finger left contact on my face my lungs learnt how to breath again. "Oh right aha thanks." We were so close, he smiled a real smile.

Suddenly the door opened and in came a happy looking Michael, Luke and Calum carrying the shopping bags. I pulled away from Ashton immediately and ran over to Luke pulling him into a hug. He dropped the bags In surprise. Picking me up in his arms and spinning me round so I could see Ashton's face over his shoulder. He met my eyes for a second and quickly looked down at the floor..why does he look so upset? I went back into the hug smiling into his shoulder. He set me down and I flashed him a huge toothy smile, he went to my ear and whispered "Nice morning breath." He winked, I giggled embarrassed hitting his arm. "Why the big hug anyways?"

"Can't I hug my best friend?" I say pulling him into another hug so my lips reached his ear "I need to tell you something" I smiled, he smiled back and nodded knowingly.

Ashton clenched his jaw in the background..what is up with him?

"Where's my hug hey?! Move out the way Luke!"

Calum nudges Luke out the way, causing him to trip over the shopping bag he dropped. I laughed into Calum as we hug.

Michael opens the door and begins to shout something, all of a sudden Ashton stands up and barges out of the room past Michael.

"Right..anyway, I need your help with these pancakes, hey! Stop messing and brings the bags in."

As long as it takes (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now