"You cold?"

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It was a horror.

Great choice Michael.

"Thanks a lot!" I shout over to him.

"Shhh! You'll love it! Just hug something or whatever." Oh wow good one Michael. I just scowl over at him, and he grins back. I shiver at the thought of having to watch a full 2 hour horror movie.

"You cold?" Ashton ask's looking down.

"Um yeah, kinda." oh god who says 'yeah,kinda' just answer properly! I'm so stupid.

He gets up and goes over the the arm chair where the blankets are left thrown over. He picks the one he knows is my favourite, and smiles over at me as picks it up. He jogs back over and hops onto the sofa, causing me to fall into him. I giggle at him. He throws the blanket over us.

"Is this okay?" I ask as I'm resting my head on his chest. "Yeah, of course it would be." He smiles. "Just get comfy, I don't bite." He winks.

I melt inside.

I do as he says and let my arm drape over his stomach, we both lie down and stretch our legs out, he barley fits, as we're on the small couch.

We're only 10 minutes in and I can see Mikey already dozing off. God talk about an exciting film. To be honest I haven't really paid any attention to it, all I can focus on is the fact that my heart is about to burst out of my chest.

Luke is cuddling into Calum. Aw bromance.

Ashton starts to yawn and moves his hand down my hair and wraps it around my back. "Are you thirsty?" He asks.


He gets off the couch and grabs a red bull. He breaks the metal seal and hands it over. I take a gulp handing it back, he stops before drinking and smiles at me. He takes a big swig and sets it down on the table.

He sits back down and wraps me in his arms again like before, but only this time more confident and relaxed. This puts me at ease. So I let myself snuggle into him and watch the movie.

About half way through, I hear Michael snoring away just as the scary part is about to happen. I tense myself up into Ashton and I feel his arms get tighter bracing himself. His muscles peak out of his shirt, I look away quickly. The ghost appears and the woman shrieks loudly as her body gets ripped apart. "Ahh!" I scream, my body jolts under Ashton's grip as the sight of blood makes me scared.

I feel him jump too at the image, he then laughs quietly about it, obviously embarrassed. He pulls me up so I'm resting my head on his shoulder. Luke and Michael are asleep and Calum is engrossed in the movie. He smiles at me warmly and says "This shit is awful, where did Michael get this from?" I know he's joking, because he's scared but it makes me laugh. I also feel less stupid about screaming now.

I feel my eyes drop as I'm wrapped in his warm embrace. Before I know it I must've fallen asleep to the rise and fall of his chest.

As long as it takes (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now