"Why don't you tell me."

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Zara was the best friend any guy could have! She has been for about 3 years now roughly. I just want to see her happy.

She deserves the world and if I help can give it to her.. makes me complete.

I know she really likes Ashton and Ash is a great guy, but he sometimes doesn't realise how blind he can be. The way she lights up when he's in the room, how her face gets a little red everytime he's near.

God, he's stupid.

We were all sat in the lounge eating pizza. Some comedy show is on.

Zara's on the armchair painting her nails some blue colour. If she heard me say that she'd probably throw the cushion at me and shout "It's metallic navy!" or something.

I'm sat next to Ash and Michael and Cal are on the other sofa.

I look over and smile and Zara. She looks back at me and smiles, I get up off the couch, setting my plate on the table and run over to her side.

She's sets down the polish and blows on her nails, raising an eyebrow at me.

Because she can't fight back I decide to be a douche. I laugh as mess all her hair around.

She gasps, "Luke!" She shouts at me, we then both start laughing and I kiss her cheek.

I knew this would happen but, in the corner of my eye I see Ash watching us carefully.

I know he likes her, a lot probably. I heard what him and Calum had to say. How Cal was trying to make jokes about taking her into her room, and he got annoyed and his snide remarks when her brother was in the room.

Mikey would probably kill him if he made a move on her though. He's a great brother to her, he's very protective and sweet.

I give her a hug while she's sat down and she has to lift her arms up to make sure she doesn't smudge her nails.

Then I walk over to Ashton and ask him to help me in the kitchen. He hesitates a little, before getting up.

"What's up Luke? Ashton asks

"Why don't you tell me." I smirk

"I still don't know what you mean man." He said shrugging.

"Well, maybe your little conversation with Calum earlier can help you."

"What? You were asleep!" He said in a hushed tone, so no one else can hear.

"You like her don't you. Zara."

His eyes don't meet mine.

"I- I..."

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