Chapter 26

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"I got you something" I was awoken by Peter entering the bedroom

"Breakfast in bed? Babe you didnt have to do that" I laughed as I sat myself up

"Well I wanted to" He grinned as he placed the tray on me and plomped himself on the bed by my side

"Thank you" I smiled as I pecked his lips and dug in

"Hey so I've been invited to a sorta dinner party thing and I can bring someone along so do you wanna come with me?"

"Yeah, whos is it?"

"An old family friends, his name is Bruce"

"What time is it at?"

"Starts at 5, probably finish at 10/11. But Jess, umm...maybe I should get you a dress thats a little more...classy than your other ones, ok"

Classy!? What the heck is that suppost to mean?

"Erm Peter-" I was cut off by Peter leaving and closing the door behind him. Rude!


"Morning sleepy heads" Beau smirked as he slapped us all around the face to wake us up

"Uhh" Jai groaned as he rubbed his eyes "What time is it?"

"1pm" Beau laughed as he dragged his younger brother out of his sleeping bag

"Come on, let's go look around here" Beau whined


"Is this the place?" Daniel asked, not taking his eyes off of the spot infront of him

"Uh huh" I nodded, doing the same

"How could he have survived?" Luke asked confused

"I dont know. We all checked for a pulse and then got rid of the body" Jai whispered


"You fucking cunt!" Beau yelled as he threw a punch at Cameron

"Do ya think that hurt? You punch like his dad did!" Cameron smirked evily

I stepped out of our little semi circle and put myself right up in front of Cameron "Say that again" I said through gritted teeth

"You punch like his dad did" Cameron repeated himself confidently

I raised my knee so it hit him in his manly area and he let his strong gaurd down and bent down a little, which gave me the opportunity to take him out. I punched the side of his face which caused his head to jolt to the side, then I pushed him over so he fell to the wet stone ground.

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