Chapter 39

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"GET THE FUCK UP JAMES!" I was awoken by Beau screaming in my ear. Where am I?

I scrambled to my feet as quickly as possible, even though I had no idea where we were or what was happening.

"Wha-" I was cut off.

"RUN!" Beau sped off down a gigantic steep grass hill in the middle of a field.

My instant reaction was to do as I was told, so I sprinted down the hill after him, which didn't seem to be a clever idea because the second I put a load of weight onto my leg, I felt a sudden stab of pain go through my entire body.

"OUCH!" I screeched as I grabbed my leg to help aid it.

"JAMES!" Beau's voice sounded a little way down the hill signalling for me to begin running again.

I shook off the pain. Beau is never running away like this, therefore, this must be serious.

Just take the pain and run.

I took off after Beau, trying my hardest not to begin tumbling down the hill uncontrollably. My legs were moving almost too fast for me to handle and I was biting my tongue as I tried not to let the agony coming from my leg get to me.

The wind raced through my brunette locks and whacked my skin harshly. I was more than half way down the mound, gradually making my way towards Beau, who was nearly at the bottom. The sky was so dark that I could hardly see anything far away from me. I could feel my body shaking with panic and fear as I could only imagine the worst case scenario that Beau and I were in.

Shortly, I arrived behind Beau, who had waited a few moments for me to catch up before taking off again, which I was grateful for as I would have been lost without him.

"KEEP GOING!" Beau shoved my back, pushing me forward forcefully to make me sprint again, which I reluctantly did.

Gunshots sounded from behind me and my heart froze. I turned myself back around with terror to see where they had come from.


Beau had a gun in his hand and was shooting a little way up the hill at a dark figure who was making its way down after us and I shudderred at the thought of who it most likely was.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. "BEAU! BEAU, COME ON!" I was the one doing the screaming and ordering around now.

Beau came sprinting as fast as he could behind me, I started running away also. This was like a dangerous game of Cat and Mouse, and I was just wishing that Beau and I were the cat instead.

We ran into some woods which were nearby and we climbed and hopped our way over walls and between ditches, fallen trees, rocks and other things.

By now we were both breathing heavily. Beau and I were very fit and healthy guys who regularly go to the gym, so we were pretty exhausted.

"Hide in here." Beau's voice was almost a whisper.

We hurdled our way down a ditch whilst the dreaded was nowhere in sight and wouldn't see so that we could hide and hopefully he'll run right past.

I've been through quite a lot in my short life, but I can gaurantee that this is the most scariest. The fact that this dangerous, armed man, could sneak up on us, and kill us both on the spot frightened me to the point where my whole body was shaking, I felt physically sick and my lip was trembling.

The grass in the ditch was overgrown, which meant Beau and I could cover ourselves with it. The darkness meant that he wouldn't even see us if he looked in the ditch, which made me feel at ease slightly.

"It's okay." I heard Beau whisper softly and as quietly as he could.

I gave him a grateful smile before slowly breathing in and closing my eyes, waiting for it all to be over.

Surprise? || James YammouniWhere stories live. Discover now